Written by Jakob Andreasen
The previous episode, How We Get To Peace, left us gasping for air. Cooper was murdered, Charmaine and Kane dreamed of the future, Abby found a cure, Monty reached his breaking point, and Bellamy Blake betrayed his little sister. Will this week’s episode have the same poisonous atmosphere?
Civil War
We start off in Shallow Valley. Abby is with a patient, curing him of the deadly disease, and ‘Graveyard’ decides to pay a visit. He and Charmaine are at odds, the tension between the two is overwhelming, but before he can see the cure Vincent hides it away—everything appears normal. ‘Graveyard’ wants to be hopeful, speculating a cure. Abby shuts that thought down and implies that she’d rather him dead. Charmaine breaks the ice and his attention shifts, but now ‘Graveyard’ sheds light on ‘his’ people knowing about Charmaine’s betrayal and they’re asking for her head—at least ‘her’ people have the guns.
Before things get too heated, Vincent struts in causing ‘Graveyard’ and his companions to leave. Charmaine questions Abby on the life expectancy if ‘Graveyard’ and even though it’s short, she doesn’t want anyone outside of her circle of trust to be cured until after his death.
In the Church, Raven, Echo, Emori, and Murphy are having a mother’s meeting by discussing strategy. Zeke has proved to be a crucial piece in any plan as the only person who can fly the prisoner ship. But, he has also given Raven some serious dirt on the Shallow Valley camp—it’s a civil war waiting to happen.
Murphy, being Murphy, strides over to one of the prisoner guards and whispers something to him. In a room full of ‘Team Diyoza’, the guard starts a fight, starting a little fun for the four characters.
Wonkru Untied
Clarke is in chains after murdering Cooper. Indra walks in along with Madi and Bellamy. The former clings to Clarke, yearning for her comfort. Bellamy mentions that Madi was willing to tear the place apart if she couldn’t see Clarke. But, there is a problem—Octavia isn’t waking up. Bellamy tells Clarke he poisoned his little sister. He tells her that in the meantime, that Indra as head of the army can accept Diyoza’s proposal: this would finally mean peace.

Jackson is trying his best to heal Octavia, but nothing is working—she’s dying. Niylah is confident that Octavia was poisoned, but Indra suggests that the worms were the problem. Indra tells Wonkru the news and after a quick monologue, Indra says that she is to accept Diyoza’s surrender proposal—she wants peace and not war.
Miller has other ideas. Stepping forward, he claims that Indra doesn’t have the authority to lead Wonkru, as Octavia assigned him leadership of the First Battalion in last week’s episode. This sparks outrage as Miller is Skykru and that in the absence of a Commander the clans should reassemble and choose a new Commander. Blasphemy. There is only Wonkru and the enemy of Wonkru. Fighting ensues, but is broken by the sound of bullets and Miller calls for War, in the name of Bloodreina. Indra tells Bellamy that she cannot stop this War, only a true Commander can—Madi.
Downstairs, Clarke refuses to let Bellamy use Madi, but he argues that Clarke wanted to use Luna in a similar way. Still not wanting to use Madi, who is still a child, Bellamy ignores her and leaves behind a screaming and pleading Clarke.
Back in Shallow Valley, Murphy overhears a coughing ‘Graveyard’, and he is curious as to why Charmaine hasn’t allowed him the cure. ‘Graveyard’ is pissed and threatens Murphy that if he’s lying, he’s dead.
Murphy tells Echo, Raven, and Emori of his enlightening conversation with ‘Graveyard’, and to be prepared for what’s about to go down. Echo explains the plan; that once the fighting begins, the collars come off—including the pilot. Raven goes to talk to Zeke about the escape, but he cuts her off. He doesn’t want to go with the group, he doesn’t want to be chased, he doesn’t want to lead them to Raven. She delivers a healthy ultimatum: go with them or be killed. Zeke is in.

The Flame
In the bunker, Gaia is chanting with two other members of Wonkru—chanting in the name of the original Commanders, not Bloodreina. They are interrupted by Indra, who wants to speak with her daughter alone. Indra tells Gaia of Madi, who is a true Nightblood, and she wants her to take The Flame and unite Wonkru. Indra knows that she and her daughter are responsible for what Octavia became, but she knows that Madi is the Commander that they need now. But, Gaia knows that Madi must make this decision alone.
In walks Madi, along with Bellamy. Gaia shows Madi The Flame and retreats in its presence. Bellamy explains to her that she can prevent this War and goes on saying that Clarke made a deal with Diyoza for a surrender and Wonkru needs a Commander to accept the terms. This prompts Madi to ask if Clarke knows about this, which Bellamy tells her that yes, she does—but she doesn’t approve. He shows her The Flame, telling her that it’s the way to stop The War, the way to save Shallow Valley, the way to save Clarke. Madi nods and relief crosses his eyes.
Upstairs, Octavia is waking up. Jackson has succeeded. She calls for Indra and tell hers that Bellamy poisoned her, which Jackson overhears. He wants Bellamy arrested, which Indra cannot have so she attacks and kills the guard, while knocking out Jackson.
In Shallow Valley, tensions are high between Charmaine and ‘Graveyard’, which means it’s time for the escape. It’s Code Blue. Charmaine wants Abby safe and once she is, she wants Zeke.
Charmaine’s people and ‘Graveyards’ people are itching for a fight, but Charmaine tries to diffuse the situation with the truth. ‘Graveyard’ argues that she wants his people dead and wants to replace them with Wonkru. Charmaine explains that she is developing a settlement with Kane and that will be a place for all of the prisoners to call home. They stop arguing. They see reason. But, Murphy wants conflict, he throws a rock into the crowd.

Guns fire. Fists fly. Bodies fall.
While they’re distracted, all of Wonkru’s defectors in the Church are ready to leave and now collarless. Kane enters and explains to Echo that if she wants peace, that she needs Diyoza alive—the surrender deal and settlement are tied to her being alive. Oops. Echo doesn’t care, she wants everyone to leave, including Zeke. Murphy chooses to stay behind, with Kane, to save Diyoza.
Outside, the prisoners are at each other’s throats. Charmaine calls for back-up and Abby asks Charmaine what’s happening, but not before ‘Graveyard’ barges into the building. Fighting occurs between the two leaders as Abby is dragged out the back. Fighting off all her opponents, Charmaine seems to be winning, but ‘Graveyard’ chokes her. Dropping a bombshell, she reveals that ‘Graveyard’ is the father of her unborn child and in a moment of distraction, Charmaine slices his neck with some broken glass, giving her a chance to get away.
Octavia calls Indra both a traitor and a coward, for her betrayal. Octavia is ashamed of her and Indra is afraid of Octavia. The Ascension call interrupts their conversation. Madi will become Commander. Downstairs, Clarke hears the call. Niylah walks into her cell, questioning why she would let Madi ascend, but Clarke explains that she doesn’t want that to happen—it’s Bellamy and Indra who want it to happen. Niylah then knocks out the guard and sets Clarke free.
On the surface, members of Wonkru gather for the Ascension. Gaia is preparing Madi to take The Flame. While this is happening Clarke barges into Octavia’s chambers and points a gun at her, but Octavia reasons with Clarke and explains that the only person who wants Madi to become Commander less than her is Clarke.
Madi takes The Flame. She doesn’t wake up, unlike Clarke who woke up straight away. Miller interrupts the ritual, bringing with him Clarke. She slaps Bellamy across the face and Octavia walks in, wanting Clarke to rip The Flame from Madi. Octavia arrests Bellamy and Gaia for treason and asks that Clarke and Madi be taken to the rover.
Back in Shallow Valley, ‘Graveyard’ and his people are recovering from the aftermath of the fight. He has the doctor and the guns. He wants to capture those that ran and kill Wonkru. His people cheer.
As Clarke and Madi arrive at the rover, Madi wakes up. The guard that accompanied them aims his gun at Madi, threatening to kill her, but she stops him. Madi now has the knowledge of all The Commanders, she asks the guard to put his gun down and calls on his ancestry and service—his loyalty to Lexa come Trikru. He bows to her and swears fealty to her, but Clarke shoots him in the head and drives away with Madi. Clarke wants her safe.

In the bunker, Indra, Gaia, and Bellamy are captured. Octavia shouts to her followers that the Nightblood child ran away, that she didn’t complete the Ascension ritual, that she will be dealt with. But, as of now, War is a priority. She marches to her throne, looking down at her brother. As the doors close, tears fall down her face.

That’s it.
Next week, The Warriors Will, Monty strives to show Wonkru an alternative to war, and to the valley itself. Meanwhile, Abby’s health continues to deteriorate, along with McCreary’s patience.