Q&A: Swati Hegde, Author of ‘Match Me If You Can’

We chat with author Swati Hegde about her debut desi romance Match Me If You Can, which follows a young magazine writer in Mumbai must prove her matchmaking skills—and contend with growing feelings for her close family friend.

Hi, Swati! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! Thank you for having me, I’m so thrilled. My name is Swati, and I’m a freelance editor and fiction writing coach—and, of course, a romance author! My debut novel Match Me If You Can comes out June 4th with Dell/Penguin Random House. Some fun facts about me: I love Taylor Swift, mint chocolate chip ice-cream (which does NOT taste like toothpaste, and I will die on this hill), and black tea.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

Probably when I was 7 years old, after my mom got me into reading fiction. I wrote my first short story at that age and started writing middle grade fantasy novels soon after. They were VERY poorly written, but all that bad writing experience has made me the author I am today, so I don’t regret any of it.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: A Cinderella picture book!
  • The one that made you want to become an author: My One and Only by Kristan Higgins
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. It’s been my favorite book since I first read it in 2021.

Your debut novel, Match Me If You Can, is out June 4th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Desi. Slowburn. Witty. Yearnful. Chaotic.

What can readers expect?

Tons of friends-to-lovers goodness—secret pining, longing gazes, the will-they-won’t-they element, matchmaking, found family, and of course, a lot of food cravings. The male main character in the book is a pub owner, culinary enthusiast, and mixologist. Be prepared to get hungry!

Where did the inspiration for Match Me If You Can come from?

Initially, the first draft was inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma, which is one of my favorite classic novels, but as I worked on the final drafts with my editor’s notes, it went from a true retelling to more of a subtle homage to Emma, with many if not most subplots standing apart from the classic novel. I wanted to include a strong backdrop of Indian culture, as well as themes of food, dating advice, and female friendships—all of which are elements I carry close to my heart in real life, too!

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved writing the male main character, Jaiman Patil, and he seems to be a fan favorite based on early reviews, too. He’s equal parts charming and tortured, a combo I didn’t know I’d love until I wrote it. Besides that, I also enjoyed writing a lot of the secondary characters and their subplots. The astrology writer Charu’s matchmaking subplot comes to mind—she’s another character I truly enjoyed bringing to life.

What a stunning cover! Can you tell us a bit about the process of the cover coming to life?

I know, right? I might be biased here, but I think Match Me If You Can has the most beautiful cover in existence—Belina Huey (cover designer) and Sudeepti Tucker (illustrator) knocked it out of the park!

So here’s how it happened: In mid-2023, my editor asked me for any cover ideas I might have, and all I remember saying is, “I want Jia and Jaiman to both be on the cover, this is what they’re supposed to look like, and oh, Jia has to be wearing a pink dress.” A few months later, I was sent two black-and-white sketches for the cover, one of which had the main characters looking at each other, clearly in love, against the backdrop of Mumbai’s Sea Link. I didn’t need more than a second to know this was the sketch I wanted to proceed with. Cut to another month-ish later, and I was presented with the colored sketch. It was love at first sight! I barely requested any changes, and that’s a testament to how wonderfully the art team has captured the spirit of Match Me If You Can with this gorgeous purple and orange cover.

This is your debut published novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

In two words? Agonizingly long! Match Me If You Can may be my first novel to be published, but it’s the sixth I’ve written and queried to literary agents—the previous ones all had to be shelved; they weren’t publishing-ready. I sent my first query letter in 2017, and now, 7 years later, I’ll finally be a published author. It took me a while, huh?

All the credit goes to my personality. I’m a deeply stubborn and persistent person, and that—coupled with luck, hard work, and some more luck—has brought me to where I am today, with a fiercely passionate publishing team behind me, and hopefully a long writing career ahead of me.

What’s next for you?

My second adult romance with Dell comes out in Spring 2025! I’m currently finishing up final edits on it and I can’t wait to share more info about it soon. Also, my queer young adult romance with Delacorte Press is slated for a Spring 2026 release—I’m super excited about that, too.

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

So many! Mae Bennett’s Barely Even Friends, Hannah Bonam-Young’s Out on a Limb, Danica Nava’s The Truth According to Ember, and I’ve already read and adored Naina Kumar’s Say You’ll Be Mine.

Will you be picking up Match Me If You Can? Tell us in the comments below!


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