Written by Nadia Dardon
After last week’s cross-over with Scooby-Doo, Sam and Dean Winchester are back to more serious business. The boys have figured out how to open a rift for the Apocalypse World with the help of the demon tablet and in previous episodes, they gathered the ingredients needed and are now just missing the last ones.
Rhode Island, 1925
The episode opens with a scene taking place in a bunker belonging to the Men of Letters from Rhode Island. A group of men wearing robes drag and chain a woman wearing a flapper dress into a table for a ritual, and as they chant, one of the men steps up and uses a purple stone to open a rift. The last thing we see in that scene are tentacles coming out of the rift and reaching towards the woman.
Back to the Present
Sam and Dean are in the bunker by themselves, going through the archives of the Men of Letters. After hours of reading multiple books and Dean expressing his boredom towards the task, they finally find something on the Seal of Solomon. It seems that in 1917 the Men of Letters found Solomon’s treasure, a crystal that glowed with an “unearthly light”, which is just what the Winchesters need to open the rift for the other World. With that information under their belts, Sam and Dean make their way towards the bunker in Rhode Island to look for the crystal.
Once there, they find themselves surrounded by books and documents once again. Just as they are going through them, Sam finds some papers about Solomon. Before any of them have a chance to read them, they hear a cry for help and after a quick search on the bunker, Sam and Dean find the same girl from 1925. She is still chained down to the same table and wearing the same dress, and ever the heroes, they free her of the chains. Dean recognises her from a photo he had found in that same bunker and it turns out her name is Sandy Porter and she was born in 1903, but she doesn’t look to have aged one bit.

The Monster in the Diner
The brothers take Sandy out of the bunker, and try to explain the situation to her—how she has been alive for 90 years and it is now 2018. They take Sandy to a local dinner to grab something to eat where the cook of the diner recognises Sandy immediately. We can see a tattoo on his forearm, which shows his connection to the Men of Letters. He drugs the Winchesters’ food and makes a call to a woman to let her know about Sandy. The diner is soon surrounded with people in red robes, just like the ones in 1925. Sam had been the only one to grab a bite of his food, and so he is the only one affected by the drugs and unable to fight when the robed men burst inside the diner.
While Dean is fighting, Sam is taken by the cook and his sister. The two of them explain to Sam that they are related to the Men of Letters and how his great-grandfather was part of them until he went insane. After World War I, he wanted to make the world better and his way of doing it was by summoning a god from another dimension. The siblings explain to Sam how Sandy wasn’t a sacrifice, and that instead she was a vessel for the god. The two of them had been keeping her chained and starved. As soon as the Men of Letters summoned the god and it possessed Sandy, she ate all of them. Now, Sandy has great power and is liberated.
Dean, who was still in the diner and was not aware of Sandy’s threat, gets kidnapped by her and he is taken back to the bunker in Rhode Island. Sandy chains him up just as the others had done to her, and explains that he looks like the perfect vessel for her love. Sam and the siblings arrive to the bunker just as Sandy opened the rift for the tentacled love. Dean, taking a lock pick from his pocket, manages to free himself and with the help of the siblings, they use the Seal of Solomon to close the rift. Before the monster disappeared completely, it wraps its tentacles around Sandy and takes her with him.
The Winchesters then explain how they need the Seal of Solomon in order to open a rift to the Apocalypse World and save their mother. The siblings hand it over, with the warning that in order to do the spell, they will need a guide, something that has been to that place they need to go to. They also warn Sam and Dean that the rift will only stay open for 24 hours.
What’s Been Going on in Hell
While the Winchesters are fighting tentacled monsters, Ketch finds himself in Hell after being called by Asmodeus. The British Man of Letters finds Asmodeus injecting himself with Gabriel’s grace and Asmodeus then makes sure that Ketch knows how their deal works. Rather than Ketch getting paid and doing his work, Asmodeus owns him. Knowing he is too deep in trouble and wanting to get out of it, Ketch takes a chance when Asmodeus is away by freeing Gabriel and taking the archangel blade. After dragging a struggling archangel, he heads towards the home of the Winchesters.
Once there, he makes a deal with Sam and Dean. He gave them some of Gabriel’s grace that Asmodeus had taken out, hence giving them the last ingredient they needed. Ketch also hands over the archangel blade and requests their protection against Asmodeus.
Sam then helps Gabriel by taking out the stitches that were on his mouth and Dean starts to prepare to open the rift that will take them to the Apocalypse World. Ketch requested to go as well, wanting to be as far away from Asmodeus as he could. Dean agrees, but insists that Sam should stay, except Sam being Sam disagrees immediately. Dean knows Sam does not like the plan, but still explained that Sam needs to stay at the bunker to deal with Gabriel and make sure that if Dean wasn’t back in 24 hours, he could go save him.
The episode closes with Dean and Ketch walking through the rift, leaving Sam and Gabriel behind.

Final Thoughts?
It is exciting how things are moving, especially since the whole season has been tense with Mary’s disappearance into the Apocalypse World and then Jack getting trapped. The few glimpses that we get of that other World give us an idea of what we are to expect. It will certainly be interesting how the Winchesters deal with Michael of that other World and how they manage to save Mary and Jack. It is unnerving having the brothers separated, and there is no doubt something big is coming… We just have to wait and see!
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