Written by Nadia Dardon
Even though the whole season had been building up for this episode, one is never ready to hear ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ and see the recap of everything that happened during the season. However, this season finale felt different the others because it seems years of anticipation and ‘what ifs’ have been building up to this moment.
But let’s begin with the start of the episode where Sam is giving everyone from Apocalypse World a small recap of everything that has been happening in the Real World, including movies and the current president. Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Jack resume a normal routine of hunting monsters, while everyone else tries to fit into the Real World.
With Jack on the team, Dean feels very optimistic about their future and for once, the oldest Winchester thinks they can finally put a stop to all evil in the world thanks to Jack’s power. However, Sam seems weary of Dean thinking about retirement. Unfortunately, the world is not safe yet as Bobby and Mary come across the dead body of Maggie, one of the many who came from Apocalypse World.
Meanwhile, Jack is having a nightmare about all the people he could not save. Dean wakes him and explains that everyone makes mistakes, but no matter what comes their way, they’ll always figure something out. The sweet moment ends when Jack sees Maggie’s body and they figure out she snuck out the night before to see a boy causing Jack to fly there immediately. Sam, Dean and Castiel race to stop him from killing the innocent and he freaks out over what he could have done to him or others.
Father and Son
While Jack has his meltdown, Lucifer appears and explains everything that Sam lied about: how Michael didn’t kill Lucifer and how he left him behind. Now Lucifer is there for his son, and he tells Jack that they’ll never mix well with humans. Jack in his emotional state believes Lucifer and Lucifer suggests they leave together to explore the galaxy. Jack is interested, but only if Lucifer resurrects Maggie.
Jack brings his father to the bunker, and Lucifer seems reluctant to bring her back, but Jack says that’s the only way he will agree to leave. Maggie is brought back, and the two of them leave.
Archangel Michael
Dean, Sam and Castiel run into Michael. Thankfully, Dean has some holy oil in the Impala and traps Michael long enough for them to escape. At the bunker, the three of them are trying to come up with a plan to get Jack back. Sam talks to Maggie to see if she remembers anything from her death, and she only remembers their eyes.
The lights in the bunker begin to flicker and soon enough, Michael storms in. The boys send Mary, Bobby and Maggie away while they hold off the archangel. However, Michael is too powerful and takes everyone out and while Michael has Dean by the throat, Sam prays to Jack.
Lucifer and Jack shows up just in time for Jack to save Dean and throws Michael across the room. Jack channels all of his anger towards Michael and he is winning the fight until news comes out about Michael and Lucifer’s deal. Dean explains that Lucifer and Michael’s deal consisted of Lucifer getting Jack while Michael gets the rest of the world. Lucifer denies this, although he’s not the ‘bad guy’ at the moment. Sam gets more news as Maggie saw Lucifer’s red eyes before she died. Jack is now reeling with anger and power, which forces Lucifer to tell the truth. The devil confesses he killed Maggie after she spotted him scouting out the bunker.
Jack accuses Lucifer of being a monster and says that he is not his father. This is the last straw for Lucifer, who finally let’s go of everything he had been trying to suppress in order to get on Jack’s good side. Lucifer says he doesn’t need Jack, only his power. With one quick movement, Lucifer uses an archangel blade to cut Jack’s neck and steal his grace. Sam tries to help Jack and as a result, the three of them disappear. This leaves Dean and Castiel alone with a defeated Michael and no idea how to save Sam from Lucifer.

Michael’s Sword
Dean tried to get Michael to fight against Lucifer, but in his state, the archangel won’t be able to go against him since Lucifer has the power to almost destroy the whole universe.
In this moment, Dean comes up with a plan to use Michael’s sword…it just turns out that Dean is Michael’s sword. Back in season five, Zachariah and Gabriel wanted Dean because he is Michael’s perfect vessel, which would make Michael stronger than ever. The archangel admits that with Dean he would have a chance to deaf Lucifer. Dean makes a deal with Michael to be his vessel, but only if Dean is behind the wheel and Michael agrees.
Meanwhile, Lucifer takes Sam and Jack to a church where he puts the archangel blade between them and says that if one of them doesn’t kill the other, he will kill them both. Sam gives the blade to Jack, but Jack know he’s not powerful enough to beat Lucifer and that the best chance was Sam and Dean. Jack points the blade to his own heart, but then Michael arrives in Dean’s body!
Michael and Lucifer begin to fight right away, and it seems Lucifer is about to win, Sam tosses his brother the archangel blade. Just like that, the devil is deal. The relief is short-lived because Michael goes back on the deal and takes over Dean’s body. The episode ends with Michael walking down the street using Dean’s body and flashing his eyes at the screen.
Final Thoughts?
Personally, I loved the season finale. It was nerve-racking to watch, but oh so good. Somehow, it brings us back to season five and everything that could have happened back then. Back in season five, we had Lucifer with Sam’s body fighting against Michael and it ends with both of them in the cage. Now we get everything that could have happened if Dean had accepted to be Michael’s vessel and if they had killed Lucifer back then. It makes sense that the producers and writers brought such an arc to the story and the whole of season 13 was a reflection of the Real World with the Apocalypse World. The Apocalypse World is everything that could have happened, but didn’t. Now at the end of the season 13, it’s everything that could have happened at the end of season five, but didn’t.
It was quite impressive and I loved the episode! Unfortunately now we have to wait for a new season, which won’t be on until October! That being said, it’s certainly going to be an experience.