Q&A: Siobhan Vivian, Author of ‘We Are The Wildcats’

Siobhan Vivian Author Interview

Article contributed by Hannah French

We’ve recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Siobhan Vivian to discuss her epic new book, We Are The Wildcats. From finding out her Hogwarts house and learning about her high school experience, to talking about all things girl power, we discussed it all in this interview! Also don’t forget to pick up this awesome book about the badass girls on a hockey team!

Hi Siobhan! Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello! I’ve been writing young adult novels for a little over a decade now, and We are the Wildcats is my 10th published novel. I also teach creative writing at The University of Pittsburgh.

Can you tell our readers about your new novel, We Are the Wildcats?

Of course! The book, which takes place over 24 hours, is about a super-competitive varsity girls field hockey team and their annual sleepover tradition that kicks off the new season. Usually the girls run the festivities, but on this night, their beloved coach takes over control and sends them out on a wild night of tasks they need to complete to prove their commitment and loyalty to him. It’s all fun at first, but then things go too far, and they start to see their coach in a less flattering light.

The Wildcat girls are so powerful together. Who are some of your favourite girl groups/crews?

I’ve been blessed throughout my life to have several different “girls squads” and all of them have made my life exponentially better. There’s nothing like being surrounded by a group of girls who you know, without a doubt, have your back.

This book is all about women empowering women. What real or fictional women have inspired and/or empowered you?

In the acknowledgement section of my book Stay Sweet, I call out several female mentors who supported me, extended themselves on my behalf, and helped me become who I am today.

There are a few Harry Potter references scattered throughout the book. Why include this and also, what is your Hogwarts house?

I decided to make one of the players on the Wildcats a total Harry Potter fanatic because…well…why not?! That said, I wanted each of the girls to feel fully developed, not simply a girl in a varsity jersey.  And I am Hufflepuff!

Do you relate to any of the girls? Just one or perhaps a trait from each of them?

There is a piece of me inside each girl.

Most of your books are about people in high school. What draws you to this setting? What was your high school experience like?

I was a terrible student. I didn’t really care at all about academics and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go to college until I took a creative writing course as an elective.

I wasn’t popular but I was well-liked across the board. I think that’s because I was considered funny. My humor was sort of like a passport because it helped me gain access to all different groups.  What do you want readers to take away from We are the Wildcats?

That they should listen to the little voices inside of them instead of drowning them out.

Do you have any book or author recommendations for our readers?

I’ve been reading all the Penderwicks books on the recommendation of my dear friend Morgan Matson and they are delightful!

Lastly, what’s next for you?

I’m working on a new book. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, so I don’t want to say too much, but it’s unlike anything I’ve ever written before.

Will you be picking up We Are The Wildcats? Tell us in the comments below!

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