We chat with Shannon Dittemore about Rebel, Brave and Brutal, which is the gripping sequel to Winter, White and Wicked that boasts the thrills of Mad Max: Fury Road and the icy magic of Frozen.
Hi, Shannon! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?
Absolutely! Obviously, I spend a lot of time reading and writing, but I also enjoy hiking and the outdoors. I’ve done a little theatre, and I enjoy teaching the craft of writing. I’m one of three authors who make up the team at GoTeenWriters.com, a blog dedicated to the encouragement and instruction of young writers. This year, I signed on to to teach two high school creative writing classes as well. It’s been a rather full stretch for me!
When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?
I’ve always read, and enjoyed writing. As a kid, I was too busy wanting to be an astronaut to ever entertain the idea that it could be a job, but I wrote nonetheless, and I won awards, so clearly there was something there. I didn’t begin to pursue writing as a career until after my second child was born. I was 29 years old and really missing a creative outlet. As a young mom, I found myself unwilling to give up my evenings with my little family, and that was a requirement if I were to step back onto the stage. One night, while walking a crying baby around the house, I realized I could scratch that creative itch by telling stories from home. That was nearly 15 years ago and I’ve been writing for publication ever since.
Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about!
I am so bad at lightning rounds, but here goes!
First book I remember reading: Where the Red Fern Grows. SO STINKING SAD!
The one that made me want to become an author: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because creating magical words had to be the best job ever.
The one I can’t stop thinking about: The Likeness by Tana French. Just read it.
Rebel, Brave and Brutal, the follow-up to Winter, White and Wicked, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?
Magic ice rigger fights back.
What can readers expect?
There’s a lot of action in this one, a lot of adventure. After the treacherous journey of book one, REBEL, BRAVE AND BRUTAL will see a larger crew of rebels joining their skills together to challenge the ruling class on the frozen isle of Layce. Sylvi, of course, takes center stage, and her ability to use Winter as a weapon is both blessing and curse. We get to see that struggle throughout. There’s also a deepening thread of romance in this one, a different kind of blessing and curse to be sure.
Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring further?
I love this crew, all of them! I love watching them work together, and the friction that brings. Lots of room for snarky dialogue and heartfelt interactions. Mars Dresden was particularly fun this go round. He’s just such an easy character for me to hear. One day, I really should pen his story. Winter was fun as well. Further exploring her relationship with Sylvi was incredibly fulfilling.
Do you have any advice for those who may have set some writing resolutions for the new year?
There’s nothing quite so daunting as a resolution, is there? The best advice I’ve got is this: When your muse shows up, make time for her. It’s not easy to get words on the page—EVER—so when these special moments of motivation and inspiration align, you must grab hold. They’re few and far between, and it would be a tragedy not to capitalize on them.
What’s next for you?
I have two projects in the works right now. One is a YA fantasy, and it’s working its way through the submission process as we speak. The other is a historical mystery, and I’m moving like a snail on that one. I get caught up in the details, so I’m having to learn to balance the research and creativity pieces. A challenge for sure!
Lastly, are there any 2023 book releases our readers should look out for?
Oh, great question! I think Tana French has a new book out this year, and I am so ready for it! On the fantasy front, I’m actively awaiting some sequels: Return of the Vengeful Queen by CJ Redwine, Shades of Rust and Ruin #2 by AG Howard, and The Looking Glass Illusion by Sara Ella.
You can find Shannon on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads, along with at her website!