Last week on Riverdale, the episode ended with Betty coming home to see her mom cleaning up blood on the floor right next to a dead man. Only in Riverdale, ladies and gentleman.
This week we pick right up with Betty talking to her mother, who is currently cleaning up the pools of blood. Alice refuses to call the cops as she doesn’t want Chic to be taken away from her and when Betty asks if it was ‘self-defense’, Alice pauses before answering with a “yes” (seems shady). The pair clean up as quickly as they can as Hal is on his way, but when he arrives, the house smells of bleach and they dodge his questions as best as they can.

Jughead calls at the worse time and Betty dismisses him quickly as Alice and Betty take the body to the woods. Alice plans to leave it in a sewer pipe that she used to frequent in her young days—interesting place to frequent but Alice is definitely an interesting person.
When they arrive home, they clean everything he may have touched, even the apples. An exhausted Betty passes out in bed and wakes to find Chic and Alice having breakfast as if nothing happened.
Jughead then shows up to walk Betty to school and she’s grateful for the distraction, but he’s worried about her mood and thinks she didn’t enjoy their time together in the previous episode. However, she says that isn’t the case and chalks it up to “typical Cooper house lunacy”—I don’t think killing someone is typical, but okay.
At school, Kevin tells the gang the cops found a body and Betty instant;y becomes worried until he mentions it was Papa Poutine. Relieved, Betty still runs to the bathroom and vomits to which Cheryl pops up to check if she’s okay. Later on, Cheryl sees Hal leaving the Blossom house and confronts her mother who claims what they have is “real”.
Meanwhile, Betty returns to the sewers to make sure the body is still there when his phone rings. She takes the phone, and now her fingerprints are all over the body. She starts going through his messages and discovers he was a drug dealer, which is how Chic knows him. She confronts Chic, but Betty and Alice end up fighting except Chic seems rather pleased with it based on his creepy grin.
Betty goes to Pop’s and tries calling the numbers, except everyone hangs up. She ends up filling Jughead in on everything, which ends up being a good thing as the drug dealers car is parked out the front and the police are asking for it to be moved. Claiming it as his own, they hotwire it and get it moving—love how she gets asked and not the other way around!
Together they get rid of the car and the phone in Sweetwater River. When she gets home, she fills Alice in and Alice freaks out, but Betty claims they can get help other than the police. They head to FP’s and he ends up taking the body to the woods, digs a grave and dumps sodium hydroxide into it so there will be nothing left. Alice thanks him along with a little hand-holding, and apologises for involving Betty and Jughead.
Back at home, Hal shows up and threatens Chic, but they all tell him to leave and Betty informs him that Cheryl told her about his affair. Later on, Chic decides to cut Hal out of family pictures and stares longingly at the Cooper women with a smile on his face.
While all of this is happening with Betty, Archie is dealing with Agent Adams who is questioning him about Papa Poutine.
At the Lodges, Veronica arranges to organise a meeting between Jughead, FP, herself and her father, after Jughead sent them the head of General Pickens. Hiram offers to pay the rent of the entire trailer park if Jughead leaves Hiram out of his expose, but they turn him down.
Veronica hears about the murder in the town and worries her father is behind it, but Archie promises Veronica that her father is a good guy. However, he goes to Hiram to tell him to reassure his daughter and this all happens after the FBI pay him a salary for being an informant.
Hiram assures Veronica he had nothing to do with the death, while Archie tells Agent Adams to look into Lenny as the murderer. Since the lead is a dead-end, Agent Adams threatens to come down on Fred for hiring undocumented immigrants over the years. He says that if Archie wants to help his father, he has to plant a bug in Hiram’s office.
Veronica walks in on his parents fighting with Mayor McCoy as the Lodges want to announce their plans for Southside High, but McCoy wants them to wait until after the election or she will expose them. Unfortunately for her, they can expose her affair, but before Hiram and Hermione can act, Veronica warns McCoy and she resigns voluntarily.
Archie tells Hiram about the bug and then that night, Andre shows up to take him to “his boss”. Archie gets in thinking he’s going to see Hiram, but when they miss the turn, they end up at a large cliff. It turns out that Hermione is apparently “the boss”and she tells Archie that Agent Adams was a fake and it was all a ruse to test Archie’s loyalty to the Lodges and he passed!
Final Thoughts?
This episode was very intense and I most definitely enjoyed it! Riverdale seems to definitely be bringing back the action and drama, which I’m so here for. What I’d really like is for more things to be coming together as I’m still super confused about Chic and everything.
And unfortunately, we will be waiting until March 7th for the next episode!
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