Review: Witcha Gonna Do? by Avery Flynn

Release Date
December 6, 2022
8 / 10

In a world full of witches and magical beings, Tilda feels like an outcast due to her outré status; she has no magical abilities despite being born into one of the most powerful family of witches. Things get interesting for Tilda after she gets set-up on her fourth consecutive blind date with her nemesis, Gil Connelly; a secret double agent who is working to free his parents. When Tilda accidentally causes her sister’s spell to glitch and freezes all her family members, Tilda must enlist the help of Gil and her misfit friends to help steal a powerful spell book, The Liber Umbrarum, so that they can unfreeze Tilda’s family. The more time that Gil spends the Tilda, the harder it becomes to deny their growing attraction and the more Gil suspects that Tilda’s family has been keeping secrets.

Witcha Gonna Do? is a forced proximity, enemies to lovers, witchy rom-com told from a dual point of view. The novel features themes such as secrets and lies, convention versus rebellion, family and found families, appearance versus reality, power, corruption, good versus evil, politics, love and heartbreak, and fate versus freewill. If you’re a fan of witchy rom-coms like The Ex Hex and The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling, then you should definitely check out Witcha Gonna Do. The addition of heists and rebellions were somewhat reminiscent of Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin, so if you are a fan of either of those series, then you may enjoy this! Lastly, since Witcha Gonna Do is witchy but not “Halloweeny”, so A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness and The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna fans would also enjoy this.

First off, the punny title, witchy vibe, and the cool character illustrations featured in the cover art really helped to draw me into this book. The comedic elements that Flynn included in the story—like a spunky unicorn shifter who enjoys Lucky Charms and a witch who sneezes whenever she casts spells—we enjoyable and I loved how Tilda found a second family in her club of magical misfits. The unexpected inclusions of heists, rebellions, secrets, and danger as it added more excitement to the story and made the story more unique; although, it was a tad disappointing the romance almost took a backseat to these other elements. Even though there was a fair amount of spice, I was surprised that most of the romance was confined to last third of the novel.

Lastly, I wasn’t particularly a fan of the Epilogue, which takes place five years after the events in Witcha Gonna Do, as it left me feeling confused; even though a lot of things were up in the air and unresolved at the end of Tilda’s story, at the beginning of the Epilogue, Tilda starts to tell the reader how everything worked out before stating that her sisters need to fill in a lot of gaps in the story before everything makes sense. On the plus side, there was a sneak peek of the next installment of Flynn’s Witchington series, Resting Witch Face, included at the end of the novel!

Overall, Witcha Gonna Do was a fun witchy rom-com that would be perfect for fans of magic, dangerous heists, and “enemies to lovers” romances!

Witcha Gonna Do? is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers, like your local bookstore, as of December 6th 2022.

Will you be picking up Witcha Gonna Do? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

An unlucky witch and her know-it-all nemesis must team up in the first of a new, hot romantic comedy series from USA Today bestselling author Avery Flynn.

Could it possibly get any worse than having absolutely no magical abilities when you’re a member of the most powerful family of witches ever? It used to be that I’d say no, but then I keep getting set up on dates with Gil Connolly whose hotness is only matched by his ego. Seriously. I can’t stand him. Even if I also can’t stop thinking about him (specifically kissing him) but we’re going to pretend I never told you that part.

So yeah, my life isn’t the greatest right now, but then it goes straight to the absolute worst hell when I accidentally make my sister’s spell glitch and curse my whole family. And the only person who can help non-magical me break the spell? You guessed it. Gil the super hot jerk.

Now we have to work together to save my family and outmaneuver some evil-minded nefarious forces bent on world domination. Oh yeah, and we have to do all that while fighting against the attraction building between us because I may not be magical, but what’s happening between Gil and I sure feels like it.


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