Review: Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio

Release Date
September 24, 2024
7 / 10

“They’re so keen to be on the bleeding f*cking edge they end up setting everyone else back decades.”

M.L. Rio, author of the bestselling If We Were Villains, returns with Graveyard Shift,  a novella that promises an atmospheric and eerie experience as it follows five night-shift workers who meet regularly in a college’s ancient cemetery, only to discover a mysterious freshly dug grave one October evening which may be connected to the strange cases of people going berserk in town. However, the book fell slightly short of its potential.

The premise is intriguing—five insomniacs from different walks of life coming together to solve a mystery over the course of a single night. But, the execution leaves something to be desired. The plot and characters lack some depth, resulting in a story that feels somewhat superficial. Readers may find themselves wishing for more substantial character development and a more intricate plot to match the atmospheric setup.

Rio’s strength lies in her ability to craft an unsettling atmosphere, particularly in the opening scenes set in the graveyard. Her prose excels at creating a sense of creepiness and unease that perfectly sets the stage for what could have been a more chilling tale.

One of the main drawbacks is the brevity of the story. At roughly 130 pages, it seems that Graveyard Shift would have benefited from being longer and more fleshed out. The narrative builds anticipation for horrifying events that never quite materialize, which may disappoint readers expecting a more traditional horror experience.

Despite these shortcomings, Graveyard Shift does succeed in creating a modern Gothic ambiance. Rio’s writing style, familiar to fans of If We Were Villains, shines through in the academic setting and ensemble cast. The book serves as an ideal read for those looking to dip their toes into the spooky season, offering just enough of an eerie atmosphere to set the mood without delving into full-fledged horror.

In conclusion, while Graveyard Shift may not fully live up to the high expectations set by Rio’s previous work, it still offers an enjoyable, quick read for those seeking a taste of autumnal atmosphere. It’s best approached as a mood piece rather than a deeply plotted mystery or horror novel. Fans of Rio’s writing style and those who appreciate atmospheric prose will find elements to enjoy, even if the overall experience leaves them wanting more.

Graveyard Shift is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other good book retailers, like your local bookstore, as of September 24th, 2024.

Will you be picking up Graveyard Shift? Have you read it already? Tell us in the comments below!

Synopsis | Goodreads

Author of sales sensation If We Were Villains returns with a story about a ragtag group of night shift workers who meet in the local cemetery to unearth the secrets lurking in an open grave.

Every night, in the college’s ancient cemetery, five people cross paths as they work the late shift: a bartender, a rideshare driver, a hotel receptionist, the steward of the derelict church that looms over them, and the editor-in-chief of the college paper, always in search of a story.

One dark October evening in the defunct churchyard, they find a hole that wasn’t there before. A fresh, open grave where no grave should be. But who dug it, and for whom?

Before they go their separate ways, the gravedigger returns. As they trail him through the night, they realize he may be the key to a string of strange happenings around town that have made headlines for the last few weeks—and that they may be closer to the mystery than they thought.


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