Contributed by Gillion Machota
Firstly, a huge thank you to Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the ARC of Ash Princess, a new YA fantasy that immediately caught my eye when looking at a list of ARC’s that us contributors receive on a monthly basis. Did it live up to my expectations? Let us see.
Ash Princess is about a girl named Theodosia, who is called Theo on occasion in the book, and she witnesses her mother being murdered. She is now known as the Ash Princess who must where a crown with ashes on it. When one of her friends asks her to help and start a revolt, Theo is all in. Theo acts like the princess that she is supposed to be to only get information and help her kingdom from their torture.
It is not that I did not enjoy the book, it just came across as though it followed almost the same plot line as And I Darken by Kiersten White, which is a fabulous book by the way. And I Darken is about a girl named Vlada who is also trying to overthrow her government because she wants it to change due to its brutal past. I listened to this on audiobook once it came out and it was also somewhat dragging. I felt like I was trying to finish another musical soundtrack that I did not enjoy, but then also knowing that I needed to find out what happened.
I did love Theo’s motives and why she did them. It made sense on why she made them which made me very happy because there were not any plot holes that I had to worry about.
So did this meet my expectations, well… Here is the thing, it did and did not meet my standards. The title made sense, it followed the story, but it could have been a little bit better. Theo was a great character, but she could have been so much more! The author did confirm that Ash Princess is a part of a trilogy and a cover for the next book is beautiful. Am I going to keep going with this trilogy? Maybe? I’m not entirely sure? Overall, I would give this book a 6/10 stars.
Ash Princess is available from Amazon, Book Depository, and other good book retailers.
Have you read Ash Princess? Or will you be checking it out? Tell us in the comments below!
Synopsis | Goodreads
Theodosia was six when her country was invaded and her mother, the Fire Queen, was murdered before her eyes. On that day, the Kaiser took Theodosia’s family, her land, and her name. Theo was crowned Ash Princess–a title of shame to bear in her new life as a prisoner.
For ten years Theo has been a captive in her own palace. She’s endured the relentless abuse and ridicule of the Kaiser and his court. She is powerless, surviving in her new world only by burying the girl she was deep inside.
Then, one night, the Kaiser forces her to do the unthinkable. With blood on her hands and all hope of reclaiming her throne lost, she realizes that surviving is no longer enough. But she does have a weapon: her mind is sharper than any sword. And power isn’t always won on the battlefield.
For ten years, the Ash Princess has seen her land pillaged and her people enslaved. That all ends here