Read An Excerpt From ‘Rachel Takes The Lead’ by Marilyn Kaye

Rachel Takes The Lead, the second book of the Spyglass Sisterhood series, finds Ellie, Rachel, Kiara, and Alyssa back for another adventure. When the spyglass reveals an image of Rachel walking a dog, she knows it’s pure fantasy. Her overprotective moms would never let her walk a dog alone, much less own one! Meanwhile, Kiara has secretly nominated Rachel to run for class president. In order to win, Rachel must find her voice to advocate for the change her classmates deserve—and maybe even the changes at home she deserves. 

The New York Times best-selling author Marilyn Kaye delivers a story filled with light magic and heart. Out July 13th 2021!

Excerpt from Rachel Takes the Lead (Spyglass Sisterhood #2) copyright © 2021 by Marilyn Kaye. Reproduced by permission from Holiday House Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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