Q&A: Rachel Koller Croft, Author of ‘We Love the Nightlife’

We chat with author Rachel Koller Croft about We Love the Nightlife, which is set amidst London’s glittering disco scene and follows two vampires who are locked in a toxic female friendship and careen toward catastrophe.

Hi, Rachel! Welcome back! How have the past 18 months been since we last spoke?

A total whirlwind. It feels like Stone Cold Fox came out earlier this year it’s all gone by so fast. It’s been so fabulous meeting readers and other authors. The thriller community at large is so much fun!

Your latest novel, We Love the Nightlife, is out August 20th ! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Disco London vampires running wild.

What can readers expect?

Lots of glamour with a fair amount of gore, this is ultimately the story about the end of a years-long friendship between two women that goes completely off the rails when they decide to open a nightclub together in London. And they just happen to be vampires!

Where did the inspiration for We Love the Nightlife come from?

I watched a documentary about Studio 54 – I love disco and dancing and that era generally, even though I didn’t live through it – and I started thinking about what it would look like if two women had opened a club like that. Then, to add even more flavor, I incorporated the vampire element since I like spooky things. Vampires are the coolest of all the supernatural creatures – they tend to be hot, rich and funny, too.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved writing both Nicola and Amber, the two vampires with the friendship in question at the center of the story. It was fun figuring out both of their distinct voices and motivations. And as far as London goes, it’s my favorite city in the whole world so I just put in all my favorite places I frequent. The research element for this book was such a treat! I spend a lot of extended time in the UK.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing We Love the Nightlife?

This book was a big swing with an ambitious twisty plot that spanned a significant swath of time with dual voices. The plotting had to be immaculate so it was super challenging for my second novel. Let’s put it this way – I have a lot of deleted scenes. But now I feel like I can do anything so overall it was a positive experience as an author.

Who are your top five vampires?

Eric from True Blood. Lestat & Claudia from Interview with the Vampire. And Laszlo & Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on a new novel, but keeping it pretty close to my chest for now. And still developing my novels for tv and film as a screenwriter.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

In no particular order, I loved: Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino, Nightwatching by Tracy Sierra, Aesthetica by Allie Rowbottom, Rabbit Hole by Kate Brody and Good Material by Dolly Alderton

And I am SO excited to read these: Madwoman by Chelsea Bieker, So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison, The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich, Entitlement by Rumaan Alam and The Bog Wife by Kay Chronister

Will you be picking up We Love the Nightlife? Tell us in the comments below!


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