Our Outlander lovers are separated once again, but thankfully it’s not by 200 years. However, this week’s episode sees how far Claire will go in order to save her husband because of all the dangers she faces as she goes.
Last week’s episode saw Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) drift away with the British taking her hostage on-board their typhoid-ridden ship. Jamie tried to convince Fergus (César Domboy) to help him escape, but he wouldn’t because he cared too much for Marsali (Lauren Lyle). Meanwhile, Claire discovers Jamie has been reported and the captain plans to bring him in so Claire jumps off the ship to escape and tell him before it’s too late.
Washed Up
Asleep on the raft, Claire is flipped over by a wave causing her to wash up onshore. Her narration tells us she didn’t end up on Grand Turk Island like they had hoped and now she has no idea where she is. She walks off in search of water and hopes to find a port so she can sail to Jamaica.
On her journey we’re treated to some stunning shots of the land, before Claire tries to make a fire and succeeds. Unfortunately, she wakes to find herself covered in ants, which results in her legs being covered in ant bites. Her unluckiness continues when she stops to sleep again and this time she’s woken to discover a large python sliding across her body. With her legs swollen and wounds festering, she keeps walking when she hears and sees a priest, which is surely to be a hallucination as she passes out, but a dog runs towards her.
Coco For Coco
Claire wakes to find herself restrained to a bed with a lady claiming it’s for her own good so she doesn’t scratch her wounds before giving her a drink. The next time she wakes, there’s a man by the name of Father Fogden (Nick Fletcher) who’s shocked to learn Claire’s a doctor since she’s a woman. She explains her situation and he says it’s about three days travel to Jamaica, just before the man begins to talk to Coco. Now, Coco is a coconut, to which they have a delightful conversation while Claire looks on incredibly confused.
Fogden introduces her to Mamacita (Victoria Leporia), the woman from earlier, who calls Claire a cow and demands she washes since she stinks. However, Claire’s delighted to and enjoys her bath.
Over dinner, she learns Fogden previously lived in Cuba until he fell in love and escaped to this island to be with her. Unfortunately, when they arrived, she became unwell and died.
While it’s a sad tale, Claire wants to go the village tomorrow and Fogden is more than happy to accompany her along with Coco, but not until next week. When Claire starts up over this, he makes it two weeks while Mamacita wants to know why he wants to keep her as nobody can replace her daughter. He later apologises to Claire as Mamacita believes he will forget her daughter. Claire tells him again she must go otherwise she’ll lose her love forever too, and so Fogden says they’ll leave tomorrow morning if Coco agrees.
Reunited. Again.
The next morning with clothes mended, Claire pretends to talk to Coco who says they will travel today, when Fogden walks in. The trio are interrupted when Mamacita screams as she holds the head of their goat as someone killed it. Fogden then proceeds to pour a jarful of beetles onto the head, which are from Abandawe—a place in Jamaica where people go missing and the same place that the crazed lady warned Claire about when she visited her in Edinburgh. Mamacita then reveals it was a Chinese man who did it, and Claire immediately believes it to be Mr Willoughby (Gary Young) and begins running for the beach.
We then cut to Jamie and Fergus on the shores setting up camp as they try to repair a mast, as apparently they faced some troubles where men died, including Captain Raines. With the repairs done, they return to the ship and will leave in the morning, just as Claire makes it to the beach. She then uses the mirror she stole from Father Fogden to create a signal and causes Jamie to look and yell “Sassenach”—our hearts!
The lovers run towards each other on the beach and leap into one another’s arms to be reunited once more. Mr Willoughby stitches Claire’s wound up, while they fill each other in about their adventure from Jamie giving his blessing to Claire jumping off a ship. Jamie believes they could all do with some joy and proposes… a wedding.

Wedding Bells
A wedding is quickly thrown together, but as Jamie specified, Marsali and Fergus would be married by a priest. Luckily there just so happens to be Father Fogden. Mr Willoughby apologises for killing their goat and he agrees to marry the young lovers. Claire helps Marsali get ready and the two have a bonding experience as she doesn’t want to have a baby just yet. She hopes to be like Claire and Jamie as they seem so in love and perhaps Claire isn’t the devil after all.
The wedding begins and Father Fogden is shocked Marsali is marrying a man without a hand, and hopefully he’s not missing another appendage either. After Marsali says I do, Fogden asks for Fergus’ full name, to which he just replies with Fergus. Fogden says he must have a full name when Jamie pipes up by saying his name is Fergus Claudel Fraser—cue the many smiles shared between them all. And just like that, Marsali and Fergus are married.

All The Turtle Soup!
Back on the boat, Claire has a fever so Jamie retrieves her penicillin and offers to help, but she’s the doctor. She somewhat struggles and he then offers again, so he assists her in drawing the penicillin but can’t go through with injecting her so she does it herself. Claire’s immensely enjoying the soup, which is turtle soup made by Mr Willoughby and it contains a lot of alcohol. A drunken Claire informs Jamie it’s an aphrodisiac and so a very heated moment between Claire and Jamie unfurls leaving many fans hot under the collar.

Overall Thoughts?
This episode definitely started out slow with the first 15 minutes just Claire making her way through the jungle, and it was quite strange due to Mamacita and Fogden. However, once Claire thankfully reunited with Jamie in a very cheesy beach moment, all was right again. One thing that was a little frustrating was just cutting to Jamie with only a brief mention of the hardships they faced, and it seems like his character has been a little neglected this season. With only two episodes left, these next two episodes are going to be full-on.
What did you think of the episode? Sound off in the comments below!