Outlander certainly knows how to mess with one’s heart, both character and viewers alike, and in ‘Of Lost Things’, it only gets worse.
We last saw Jamie (Sam Heughan) in Ardsmuir prison meeting Lord John Grey (David Berry) and the two developed a somewhat friendship over the course of Jamie’s imprisonment. As the prison closes down, Grey takes only Jamie to Helwater to serve his remaining time as a servant for Lord Dunsany. For Claire (Caitriona Balfe), her ‘open’ relationship with Frank is difficult and as Brianna (Sophie Skelton) grows, the two become even more distant. Frank is soon killed in a motor vehicle, which causes Claire’s story to come full circle to what we saw at the end of Season 2.
Helwater or Hellwater?
In 1756, Jamie is now in Helwater England and meets with the Lord Dunsany. Going by the name Alexander MacKenzie, since the Dunsany’s frown upon Jacobites after losing their son in the rebellion, Dunsany agrees to give Jamie a small stipend.
The following year, Geneva Dunsany (Hannah James) has been betrothed to the elderly Lord Ellesmere. The next time she rides her horse, the men draw straws but she requests Jamie to accompany her. She asks for an opinion on her Ellesmere as well as slyly asking him what he finds attractive. Jamie realises he is in a situation and wishes to leave, but Geneva rides on and falls off her horse. He picks her up and she reveals it was all a rouse so he drops her in the mud in anger.

The Search For Jamie Continues
In 1968 Scotland, Brianna, Roger (Richard Rankin) and Claire continue to search for information on Jamie’s whereabouts. They determine time moves the same in their time and Jamie’s whilst discussing the infamous Dunbonnet. Claire soon uncovers his name on prisoner listings for Ardsmuir prison, but the trail goes cold. Might I add, if I look that good at 50, I must have discovered the fountain of youth!
Claire receives a call from Joe Abernathy (Wil Anderson) about when she will be returning back, but she gives him an unclear answer despite their investigation failing.
Geneva: The Bitch of a Lady
Lord John Grey continues to check in on Jamie and for a good game of chess. Grey is accompanied by Lord Melton (Sam Hoare), the same brother of Grey who pardoned Jamie in the first episode of this season, who is shocked to see Jamie alive but does not reveal anything when Jamie is introduced as Alexander MacKenzie.
Later on, Geneva corners Jamie and reveals Lord Melton accidentally revealed all about Jamie after a few too many drinks. She blackmails him and request him to come to her room. He responds with “filthy wee bitch”, taking the words right out of my mouth, but continues to threaten him and his family until he agrees.
Jamie goes to her room and begins to disrobe at her request. Shocked by his scars, he asks to touch her and we see yet again the parallels between Jamie and Claire’s first time, just as we saw in Episode 2 with Mary. We are (somewhat) tortured by a long steamy scene between Geneva and Jamie, and when it’s done, Geneva says she loves him but Jamie says it’s not what she thinks and says some eloquent words about love.

A Moment of Hope Disappears
Many moments of hope are seen for Claire in this episode. From Roger’s housekeeper Fiona returning the pearls Claire gave to Mrs Graham upon her return to her time in Season 2, to Brianna referring to Claire as “mumma”, which she hasn’t done in a long time. However, Bree is afraid of losing Claire whilst Roger admits he doesn’t want to find Jamie as it means she will return to Boston. This leads to a very cute kiss shared between the two.
Brianna, Claire, and Roger continue to search and they find ship manifests, but the manifests are actually from the 1600’s which makes Claire angry. They then visit a bar and Claire is still angry whilst Brianna is still determined to find Jamie.

Wee William
A pregnant Geneva returns to Helwater and this is Jamie’s first glimpse and growing concern about just whose baby it is. One night, Geneva’s sister Isobel (Tanya Reynolds) rushes to Jamie as they must go to Ellesmere as there is complications with Geneva’s labour. A healthy baby boy is born, but Geneva passes and Isobel reveals to Jamie that she knows the child is his as Geneva never shared a bed with Ellesmere.
Ellesmere threatens the baby with a knife whilst Dunsany draws a pistol causing Jamie to jump between the two men. Dunsany hands over his pistol, but Ellesmere prepares to kill the child so Jamie fires the gun and kills him.
The child is named William, or Willie, just like Jamie’s older brother although the Dunsany’s do not know this. Isobel apologies to Jamie whilst Lady Dunsany tells him Ellesmere’s death has been ruled a ‘misadventure’ so Jamie will not get into trouble. She also reveals she knows the truth about Jamie being a Jacobite, however, she says they are willing to speak on behalf of him to have his sentence withdrawn. Despite this, Jamie decides to stay for a little longer to “keep earning money”.
Farewells All Around
1764 sees Jamie still at the Dunsany’s and teaching little Willie to ride a horse with onlookers joking about how Willie spends so much time with Jamie that he’s starting to look like him. Jamie takes this as a sign he needs to leave and this isn’t received well by Willie who has grown close to “Mac” although he doesn’t know Jamie is his real father.
When Lord Grey returns, Jamie asks for him to keep an eye on Willie and he would even be willing to lie with Grey if that’s what it took. Grey is shocked by the offer despite “wanting Jamie until the day he dies”, but Grey is actually to marry Lady Isobel so they will become parents to Willie. Before Jamie leaves, he gives a replica of his wooden snake to Willie and later shares a heartbreaking goodbye to the Dunsany’s and Willie, who chases after him.
Meanwhile, Claire has packed up their investigation, Brianna carries their suitcases, and Roger features a longing look as Claire and Brianna fly back to Boston.

Overall Thoughts?
What an episode! In reality, not all that much happened, but it moved quite substantially in order to bring Jamie’s time to line up with Claire’s as his story has had more to show thus being so far behind.
As a dedicated Outlander fan, it was difficult to see Jamie with yet another woman, especially the likes of Geneva Dunsany who manipulated him into bed and bore him a child that he actually got to see as a newborn and watch grow up, unlike his two daughters he shared with Claire. I think perhaps that is the most heartbreaking thing as this child wasn’t born out of love, but yet Jamie loves him dearly and finally got to be a somewhat father figure to someone of his own blood. That’s one thing I wish Outlander could change is for him and Claire to have another child and parent together.
Might I add, I am not sure how I feel about Brianna and Roger. Whilst we did see their characters meet for the first time in the Season 2 finale, the time jumps are playing havoc with a viewers understanding of their chemistry. The two short scenes they shared together was great to see, despite one feeling incredibly irrelevant.
One thing I am not delighted to see is the preview for the next episode, ‘Freedom & Whiskey’ as it shows Claire in Jamie’s time again and it’s more than likely the episode will end as Claire knocks on the door causing us to wait two weeks for the next episode since Outlander has a mini-hiatus.
What did you think of the episode? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
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