Last week on Once Upon a Time we got to see more of Alice’s backstory and this week, it’s time to see more about Ivy/Drizella and Anastasia.
The episode begins with a flashback to a young Drizella and Anastasia playing hide and seek in the creepy woods. Drizella loses track of her sister, but thanks to their shared magic, some lanterns pop up to show her the way.
Many years later, Drizella is talking to a sleeping Anastasia, “You said you’d never leave me.” She says she wants to punish their mother and she thinks her sister is the way to do that. The Evil Queen shows up to offer her help with the curse, but Drizella declines. Then the Evil Queen is revealed to be Gothel who is testing Drizella for how committed she is to the cause. She then invites her to join her coven, or spend the rest of her days alone.
In Hyperion Heights, Ivy gets a visit from Gothel offering her to join her quest for the Dark One’s dagger. She’s in danger and if she doesn’t want to become the next witchy victim on the serial killer’s list, she needs to join Gothel. Drizella hesitates knowing Gothel never means what she says.
Meanwhile, Roni receives a visit from Jacinda and Lucy. Jacinda is looking forward to a night out with Sabine which gives Lucy and Regina a moment to talk. Regina reveals that before the town enchantment, he used to be close to Hook and Jack aka Officer Rogers and Nick. Lucy decides to get the three together at Flynn’s, where they can play arcade games and hang out.
Rogers being tied up leaves Weaver to investigate a new lead all alone, after working on repairs to a cup that looks like Belle’s. They’ve found Anastasia running around by herself, but by the time he arrives, she’s gone. Instead he finds Regina whom he’s wary against, considering she hasn’t told him about Facilier’s plans to take his dagger. She hopes to change him before it was too late, but since she is on Team Gold now, she knows just how dangerous Facilier can and will be if he gets Anastasia first.
Ivy’s decision to go forth alone, proves problematic as she’s attacked in the parking garage with a knife. Fortunately, she’s able to fight them off fast and take shelter at Roni’s. She gets sympathy from Regina because she knows that she was coaxed into cursing the whole town by Gothel. But they still aren’t on good terms.
Facilier shows her how he knew of her garage attack (from his cards) and he wants to be her best pal (weird!). He says she’s going to end up in the ground right next to her sister unless she’s willing to sacrifice Anastasia to get back to the other side. She feels like she has no choice but to raise some new lanterns to hopefully get her sister’s attention.
Back in the other realm, she faces a similar test. She decides to take Gothel up on the offer of joining her coven to get some help with the enchantment on Anastasia, but she finds out that there’s some competition. Several girls are told to scatter through the woods and the first two to find some special flower she’s hidden will win the chance to join her club.
Drizella meets Gretel who wants to pair up. After all, Gothel did say that two of them could make it through. The two have an immediate kinship, and they make good partners, too. The problem comes when they separate and Gothel offers each a psi with the promise that each is the one she wants and must kill the other to pass the real test. Drizella doesn’t want to kill Gretel, but when Gretel produces her own weapon and refuses to back down, she stabs her in the back. Gruesome.
This is all very symbolic for what happens in Hyperion Heights, as Drizella takes advantage of Anastasia’s belief that she has a magic bean that can take them to a new realm together. Instead, she poisons her sister mid-hug and hands her to Facilier. She says she’d choose herself, every time.

Henry, Rogers and Nick are hanging a blast but they want to shake Henry out of his slump. They tell him to ask out the next girl who walks through the door and he agrees. But it just so happens to be Jacinda who walks through the door next. The two proceed to argue about whether they’re meant to be and if true love is real and Jacinda challenges him to make a token shot into a cup to prove there’s something to this idea of fate, but the bartender pulls the glass back before his coin lands. Jacinda takes off to have her dinner with Sabine and leaves Henry.
Ivy doesn’t seem to mind that she just sealed Ana’s fate by giving her to Facilier, but she asks if it’ll hurt (does she care?). Gothel arrives out of nowhere to wake her up and interrupt them. If Drizella is out of the picture, Gothel can steal Ana’s power way more easily. Basically she wants Ana to kill Drizella, but Ana doesn’t kill people. Drizella also says she’s been manipulated into doing everything and loves Ana and wants to take the punishment. Ana forgives her and puts down her weapon. Gothel’s left to run away and Facilier takes off.
By the time Weaver and Regina show up, the fun’s over, and instead they get to send the sisters off with farewells to their home realms. Regina is not happy because the curse is still in place and her son is in mortal danger, but she is willing to overlook Drizella’s bad deeds. She promises that they can break the curse as they’ve done it before. Meanwhile, Weaver is willing to let the guardian go without a fight, knowing it means he’s less likely to be reunited with Belle, because he thinks tallying up good deeds gives him more of a chance. Drizella and Ana embrace and use their magic bean to go and face the world together. Honestly, I was very sad to see Drizella go as she’s one of my favorite characters on this show.
Upon returning to her bar, Regina is wondering why Facilier is there. It turns out that the whole reason he wanted time with Anastasia was to get some of her magic to give to Regina so she could rescue her son. Gold is not charmed by Facilier and he approaches him on the street to warn that he’ll never get his hands on the dagger.

As for Henry and his friends, when they leave the bar Nick finds a flat tire. He decides to change it alone and wishes the others farewell and even tells Rogers that the answer to his case is probably right under his nose. When Nick opens the trunk, we see chocolate boxes and a mask that looks exactly like the one that Drizella’s attacker wore.
At the same time, Jacinda convinces herself that fate exists and she throws a token behind her head into a cup on the kitchen counter. So, where’s the happily ever after?
Final Thoughts:
I thought this episode was interesting, but I’m really going to miss Drizella though as she was great in every episode!
What did you think of ‘Sisterhood’? What about the separate storylines? Sound off in the comments below!