Hansel gets his big showdown with Zelena on this week’s episode and the reign of the Candy Killer is at an end (or is it?).
This episode begins with Hansel and Gretel’s past where they are filled with gingerbread cookies in the hopes that they will get plump before the full moon feast. The witch gets a visit from Zelena who isn’t interested in helping the siblings and Zelena is easily vanquished by the Gingerbread Witch and sent into the woods with her innards cursed.
Back in Hyperion Heights, Zelena is realizing that her life as Kelly was a better fit for her as it was plain and simple. Nick hijacks Henry’s phone to check in with Jacinda so that everything seems great. As far as she’s concerned, he’s still in new York and her biggest problem is whether he’ll get the job and how they’ll continue their long-distance relationship. But little does she know, it’s Nick texting her. He doesn’t seem to want to hurt her so Henry is trying to figure out what he does want to do. Henry says he can help Nick rewrite his story but Nick knows that he only offers this to villains and says he’s not bad. He explains that is Aunt “Kelly”, is really the Wicked Witch in disguise and that she’s the baddie. Henry, who is still cursed thinks of his own stories as complete fiction and refuses to help Nick with killing her. Except he told him a lot of details about her which wasn’t the best decision.

Kelly decides to get some help and heads to the police. Although Rogers jumps to her assistance, she knows that Weaver will really understand what kind of mess she’s in. He has no desire to help her considering their history, but he wants to see Belle again, so he has to play nice. Instead of arming her with a weapon, he decides to give her back her old necklace. This fight means defeating her past to create her better future.
Back in Oz, Zelena wakes up and finds that she’s been rescued by a blind man. He’s nice and mended her necklace for her, but he’s the father of Hansel and Gretel who she refused to rescue before.
Prince Naveen is still working for Dr. Facilier but he’s gotten Sabine to fully trust him and she taught him her special recipe for beignets which is just what Facilier wanted. He uses it to light up his voodoo doll and while we aren’t sure what he’s doing, Regina is right to not trust him.
Zelena accepts his hospitality by day and watches him go out in search of his children at night. She’s amazed by his ability to “see” her for her good and decides to set out in search of the children herself. She gets revenge on the witch but she manages to get into the Gingerbread House to spring the kids from their fate. They’re already gone and she finds out that they managed to escape and fill their dad in on Zelena’s wicked ways. She’s desperate to keep the connection with him but she can’t. She didn’t tell him where the kids were or if they were alive. She tries to redeem herself by saying she knew he’d surely die if he faced the witch but it isn’t enough. He banishes her from his house and his life. Zelena decides to teach Hansel a lesson by wrapping coils of hot fire around his wrists which is where he got his scars.

Rogers proves useful in connecting with Jacinda to discover an abnormality in “Henry’s text” to her. He called her “J” which is something Henry doesn’t do so Rogers infers that it was Nick who sent the text. They head to the house and spring Henry from his trappings but Nick has already left.
Nick captures Chad (Zelena’s fiance) and lures Zelena into a trap in the bar basement. She doesn’t want Chad to pay for her mistakes and she and Nick square off. Zelena easily gets the upper hand but instead of killing him, she hands him over to the authorities.That moment of mercy shows Chad that she’s changed and he can still love and marry her. With Roni and Margot’s blessing, she goes back to San Francisco.
However, Mother Gothel is still high on the must-kill list and since Nick couldn’t do it, Dr. Facilier is determined to.
Final Thoughts?
I really enjoyed this episode and I loved seeing Zelena’s happy ending. I am a little sad to see Nick go as I really enjoyed his character, bad or not.