The killer is starting to become the main focus of Once Upon a Time and surprisingly, I’m not mad about it as this show could use a murder mystery once in a while.
This episode begins with Henry, Hook, and Ella out on a dragon-slaying mission. When they get to the cave that used to contain it, they find out that the beast has been gone for weeks. There is someone left to enjoy the spoils though, and Ella quickly corrects him and fixes up the situation while Henry tells Hook why he’s disappointed he doesn’t get to slay the dragon. He wants to live up to his family’s legacy and have a good story to tell about the ring that he proposes to Ella with.
Hook has an idea, and he’s been saving a trick up his sleeve which turns out to be the map to Davy Jones’ locker. He has been saving it as he hopes to sell it to someone who can cure his curse heart but this seemed like a worthy occasion, however, they do have to sneak on the Jolly Roger to get it.
In Hyperion Heights, Henry pays Roni’s bar a visit and meets Robin who is a huge fan of his podcast. Apparently, this program has gotten him a lot of attention and he’s been invited to New York to do an interview. Jacinda isn’t delighted but she attempts to ask supportive. Rogers is trying to get Tilly a job because her organic orange marmalade habit is getting too expensive for his salary alone, so he gets Sabine to let her join the beignet line at her food truck. Tilly runs into Margot who has had it out with her mother as she knows her mother is hiding stuff from her. There are definite sparks between the two and Margot appreciates her wisdom on the subject of Kelly’s lies.

Henry gets a visit from Weaver before he leaves for New York, who wants his help figuring out a piece of the puzzle. Weaver found a copy of Henry’s book which is all marked up with notes and he thinks that Henry can infer something from it. Henry acts like he wants to get to the airport but Weaver starts complimenting his book so Henry agrees to help.
Henry quickly discovers a diversion from the notes pattern. In the chapter about Hansel and Gretel, there are a lot of corrections. According to the notes, there was no happy ending for the two twins, only terrible misery and oven burns. Henry thinks that this killer believes he’s Hansel and is avenging his long-lost sister.
Back in the fairytale land, Henry and Hook sneak onto the Jolly Roger and get soaked to the skin with pork fat as that’s how they got in. They run into Smee who informs him that only a few aboard the ship are still loyal to its old captain, but Hook is sure that they’ll return to his side once he retrieves the map. Unfortunately, Blackbeard is woken up by the commotion and decides to claim the parchment and its treasure for himself.
With Hook and Henry all tied up, they get a giant chest of treasure from the depths where there’s Star Sapphire of Davy Jones (a ring that the seamen once gave to his own bride). Blackbeard thanks them for directions and decides to finish off his charges but Hook unties them and puts up a fight. Henry somehow gets the upper hand on Blackbeard and wins the fight as well as the bauble but the old captain tips his hand when he tells him he won’t get such a nice ring for his bride next time and everything falls apart. The whole thing was set up by Hook and his friends to give Henry some fake adventure tale to feel good about.
However, the treasure is real and so when Davy Jones starts a whirlpool around the ship, Henry has to figure out a way to stop it. He throws the ring into the eye of the whirlpool (we’re getting some real Lord of the Rings action here) and the storm subsides. Henry decides it’s okay to let it go as Ella would just want him to be safe. He finds a quiet patch of waterside earth and tells Ella that he wants to make their own history together. His speech is literally so cute and she says yes (of course!).
Hyperion Henry is having some issues though. He hesitates to go to the airport but decides to anyways but his car gains a flat tire. When Nick comes by and offers him a ride, he decides not to make his flight after all. Nick asks why he was cutting it so close to his boarding time and Henry talks about the cult killer. Nick jokes about how he could follow a lead and asks “breadcrumbs”. Nick has some burn marks on his exposed forearm and Henry immediately asks to be let out (wow, real cool).
Nick stabs him in the neck with something and when Henry wakes up in Nick’s apartment, Nick doesn’t know what to do with him yet. (Why do bad guys have to be so damn attractive?). Henry suggests that he can tell everyone that he thinks he’s Hansel which will get him off but Nick decides to kill Henry first.
Final Thoughts?
Wow, I had suspicions about Nick but I did not know he was Hansel which is crazy!