Q&A: Olivia Rose Darling, Author of ‘Fear The Flames’

We chat with author Olivia Rose Darling about her debut romantasy novel Fear the Flames, along with its inspiration, future releases, and all things Fear the Flames!

Hi Olivia, thank you so much for chatting with us! Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello! Thank you so much for having me. I’ve spent twenty-five years with myself and my mind still goes blank whenever anyone asks that. I was born and raised in New York and spent a lot of time growing up in Vermont, which fueled my love for the outdoors and hiking! I was a self-published author but my debut novel Fear the Flames was picked up by Delacorte in September of last year and is now coming out in September of this year. Aside from writing I love to bake, garden, and spend time with my loved ones.

How did your love of writing and books come about?

I’ve loved writing and reading for as long as I can remember. I fell in love with Lord of the Rings at a very young age and fell down the rabithole of fantasy which led to me finding other books to obsess over and to have the urge to create my own! I’ve always wanted to be able to gift someone the experience of diving into a new world if they ever needed to escape their current one.

Your latest novel, Fear the Flames, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Tension. Banter. Whimsical. Sexy. (This should be the new FTF blurb)

What sets Fear the Flames apart from other romantasy and paranormal romance novels?

I’m a huge romantasy lover and I’m often drawn to enemies to lovers books, but something I really love about Elowen and Cayden is that they’re partners in crime! They share a common enemy and their partnership revolves around them finding a way to work together to accomplish their goals despite their conflicting motives. They don’t take to their situation with much grace, and are reluctant in their own ways, but that just adds to the fun.

Did you have a favourite scene or chapter in Fear the Flames that you really enjoyed writing? Tell us about it!

Sometimes I feel like this is asking me to pick a favorite child. I love them all for different reasons, however I’d definetly say that one of my favorites is close to the beginning of the book where you see the Band of Thieves together for the first time! They’re dress shopping, going to a tavern, and of course there’s loads of romantic tension and banter within. It’s the chapter that I reread and wish I could be part of this little found family.

How did you come up with or what was the inspiration behind Elowen’s dragon’s names (Sorin, Basilius, Venatrix, Calithea, and Delmira)?

I wish I had a better answer, but I just genuinely love the way the names sound! I went through so many potential names but once I heard these, it was like finding the perfect answer to a question that was burning in my mind.

Did you have in mind any celebs whilst establishing Elowen and Cayden’s characters? *crosses fingers for an adaptation*

I don’t! I’ve had some beautiful art created for the characters, but I unfortunately don’t have faceclaims. I think a large part of why people fall in love with fictional characters is the aura they give off and the presence they bring to the page, and for me, it’s hard to look at someone in real life and say they look like my character when I don’t know who they are.

What’s next for you? Can you tease any information about Fear the Flames book two or other future releases?

Wrath of the Dragons is well underway and coming out in 2025! I’m currently working on draft two and am having so much fun being back with my characters and following them on new adventures. One thing I love about WOTD is how all of the kingdoms in Ravaryn play a role in the looming war and connecting all their motives like a gigantic spiderweb. I’ve also loved writing in Cayden’s point of view since we don’t get that in Fear the Flames.

Lastly, what are some new or upcoming book releases that are on your fall TBR list?

I’m in the mood for something spooky so Phantasma by Kaylie Smith is very high on my TBR!

Will you be picking up Fear the Flames? Tell us in the comments below!


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