The Australian young adult book movement #loveOzYA has been growing over the past few years with so many great Australian YA reads out in the world (and more to come this year!). There’s something for everyone’s taste, so here’s 20 books to add on to your ever-growing TBRs ASAP!
Need a bit of a light-hearted swoon, a deeper real-world-issue read, or a bit of both? These books will do the trick!

Night Swimming by Steph Bowe
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Night Swimming is a coming-of-age contemporary LGBT+ novel and it is such an adorable read, celebrates diversity, and also features a goat! It features a F/F romance and people of colour.
The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim
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Not only does the cover of this book feature food, you’ll be certain to devour the book entirely! Covering the topics of depression and mental illness (and the stigma surrounding it), it also focuses on the life of Anna, a Chinese-Australian high school student battling through her mum’s mental health problems as well as dating someone who isn’t also Chinese, which was expected of her.
It Sounded Better in My Head by Nina Kenwood
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This gorgeously written novel focuses on Natalie, who has just finished high school and finds that her parents are getting divorced. This one focuses on body image and acne, but also features an adorable romance as well. Whilst this is a quick read, it’s real and relatable for every introverted person out there.
Laurinda by Alice Pung
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Another diverse coming-of-age story, which focuses on a girl whose parents migrated from Vietnam by boat. Lucy starts at a prestigious girls-only school and it sounds like the Plastics (from Mean Girls, yes) are in charge. If you’re looking for a reflective and slightly satiric read, here’s my pick!
Thriller, Mystery, and Crime
Prefer a bit of suspense in your life? Need to channel your inner Hercule Poirot? Want to sharpen your Cluedo skills? Say no more, here’s a few books to fill that bookish spot!

Small Spaces by Sarah Epstein
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Focusing on Tash both in the past and present tense, this mystery will have you absolutely gripped! After a traumatic event that makes Tash question her every move, her imaginary friend returns many years after disappearing, which happens shortly after a girl’s kidnapping. You’ll be on the edge of your seat to find out what happened!
Found by Fleur Ferris
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Something for those who like action, this one is full of it! From the setting of a rural farm in Australia, to the guns and knives, this one is sure to be one you stay up way past your bedtime reading!
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier
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Does psychopathic siblings tickle your fancy? Well say no more! I found this one not only highly creepy, but also twisty, especially given that the psychopath (undiagnosed) is a 10-year-old girl, Rosa. It is also diverse with characters of colour and LGBT+ characters.
Catching Teller Crow by Ambelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina
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Aboriginal story-telling mixed with a murder mystery, while also being poetic? I’m here for this! This book is a quick read, but packs a punch and a half, and is OwnVoices novel.
Science Fiction
Have a need for space elves? Or killer computers? Or how about books that feel like they’re set in a world that could be ours? Say no more, here’s some Aussie suggestions to check out!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
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Definitely one of the most well-known YA sci-fi books out there (alongside the other two books in the Illuminae series), this one is 100% an interesting read. With an AI called AIDAN on a ship in the middle of space, while being written in a way that includes sassy messages and government records, what more could you want?!
Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
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Yet another stunning space fiction by this dynamic duo, the list wouldn’t be complete with them! Featuring a group of misfits (sounds like The Breakfast Club, right?!) that are forced together as a team to go on a mission together, this one is heaps of fun!
Mindcull by K. H. Canobi
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Focusing on virtual reality and spying, this gripping novel is scarily like real life. With a badass main character, Eila, and a strong villain, this one is sure to become one of your favourite technology-gone-wrong stories pretty quickly!
Hive by A.J. Betts
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A cult-like world and bees? You wouldn’t have thought the two would work together in a book until now! Hayley’s world is only a small selection of hexagonal rooms, and she tends to the bees. Then a drop of water comes… what could go wrong from there?!
Need a break from space, or the real world for a bit? How about you dive into these stunning fantasy books by amazing Australian authors?

Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
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A genre-bending fantasy mixed with mystery that is a page-turner! The novel follows a thief and her ex-boss trying to uncover who killed the four queens of Quadara.
Sabriel by Garth Nix
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A wall? Magic? Fantasy? This book has it all! It also features the dead and undead, and is a total throwback to the ‘90s, you’ll be sure to be addicted to the fast-paced writing in no time!
Valentine by Jodi McAlister
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Kids born on the same day in a paranormal world, nothing could go wrong, right? Will Pearl’s crush on Finn grow? Well, you’d have to read on to find out in this epic book! (And then you can devour Ironheart and Misrule too!)
Ida by Alison Evans
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Want parallel universes? Want to read more about shadowy doppelgangers? Need a great LGBT+ fantasy? Say no more! Ida is a great Australian YA fantasy that you’ll be sure to like.
Short Stories
Need a variety of genres in a single book? Want little tastes of authors’ works before delving into their novels? Time-poor and need a short read here or there? These suggestions are you!

Begin End Begin
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One of the first #loveOzYA short story anthologies, this one contains short stories from some very well-known Australian YA authors! There’s a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, realism, contemporary, and more, while being written by the likes of Amie Kaufman, Michael Pryor, and Lili Wilkinson.
Kindred: 12 Queer #loveOzYA stories
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Looking for some queer #ownvoices short stories? Well this should satisfy that need! With such diverse and challenging stories, there’ll be something in there for everyone, encapsulating the essence of the title, Kindred!
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Ever wanted to know about up-and-coming or previously never published authors in the Australian YA landscape? Say no more as Underdog is here to quench that thirst! Featuring different themes and genres, this one will give you a feel of Australian youth!
Meet Me at the Intersection
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Another #ownvoices anthology, this one features perspectives of authors of colour, living with disability, who are First Nations, or queer+. Made of mostly memoir-type writing, this one gives you insights from voices that are oft unheard of, and you’ll surely be refreshed!
Hopefully some of these #loveOzYA books are new to you, and give you a taste of Australia’s very diverse and fresh voices. Who knows, maybe one of these will become one of your new favourites!