Q&A: Morgan Matson, Author of ‘Gradchanted’

We chat with author Morgan Matson about her latest release Gradchanted, along with writing, book recommendations, and more!

Hi, Morgan! Welcome back! It’s been a few years since we last spoke, how have you been?

I’ve been good! Writing and working and excited about upcoming books 😊

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: I honestly can’t remember! I’m sure it was a picture book that I pretended to read, because I’d memorized it. Knowing me, it was Eloise or Madeline – I had a thing for girls who lived in cities and got into mischief.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: I didn’t know I wanted to be an author until pretty late, compared to a lot of writers, who know in elementary school. For me, it was reading Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot and Ann Brashares – books that made me feel like maybe I could do this, too.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: One of my all-time favorite books is The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery. I re-read it every year, and find new things in it each time. More recently, I love the Thursday Murder Club mystery series, by Richard Osman. I feel like I know these characters, like they’re real people. It’s the best.

Your latest novel, Gradchanted, is out March 4th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Secrets. Loop. Learning. Fun. Love.

What can readers expect?

Gradchanted is the story of Cass, who’s spent her whole life moving from town to town. She’s learned it’s best to leave without saying goodbye – no drawn out farewells, just a fresh start. Which is why she knows Grad Nite at Disneyland is the perfect way to have one last great night with her best friend Bryony.

But almost as soon as Grad Nite starts, everything goes wrong. All the people from Cass’s past – that she thought she’d never see again – are popping up. She gets in a huge fight with Bryony, and she even wrecks the big break of cute British bassist Freddie Sharma. So Cass, as ever, decides to cut her losses and leave – only to find herself thrown for a time loop.

Now, the queen of ghosting isn’t able to escape. She’ll have to learn to correct her mistakes, make things right with Bryony – maybe even fall for Freddie. Because if not…she might be stuck at Grad Nite for good.

Where did the inspiration for Gradchanted come from?

I got to spend a lot of time at Disneyland doing research for my first Disney book, Promchanted. (I know – it’s a tough gig!) I think it was one of those research trips that I started thinking about the time loop idea. Once I’d thought of the premise of time loop at Disneyland I started thinking about the best place for it. And Grad Nite just seemed like the perfect moment – everyone on the cusp of change, wanting to move forward…and Cass, stuck going around and around again.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

A lot of time loop books don’t have that many loops – they usually reset when a character goes to sleep, so you only get a handful of them. I wanted to make this much more like a time loop movie, where Cass could re-set the time loop whenever she needed to. I wanted her to really grow over the course of this book – I think by the end there’s 140+ loops (some of these only last a few seconds, though). And there’s one loop at the end where she’s finally getting everything right – fixing all the things, being in the right place at the right time, solving the mysteries. You’re seeing everything pay off, and that was so fun to write.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing? How did you overcome them?

The time loop concept itself was harder than I’d thought it would be! So much had to be set up in that first loop, so we can keep coming back to it. It really took me a while to get that one just right.

What are some of the key lessons you’ve learned as an author and about the publishing world since your debut 15 years ago?

So many things! And obviously, the publishing industry has changed so much in that time! I feel like the biggest thing I’ve learned is that you have to listen to the stories you want to tell – those are always the ones that will resonate the most.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on my second middle-grade novel! I had so much fun writing my debut MG, The Firefly Summer, I wanted to do another one.

Lastly, what books are you looking forward to picking up this year?

I’m so excited for Emily Henry’s newest, Great Big Beautiful Life. And I think it’s not coming out until next year, but I can’t wait for Victoria Aveyard’s Tempest! And top of my list is Lynn Painter’s Fake Skating.

Will you be picking up Gradchanted? Tell us in the comments below!


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