We chat with author Mai Corland about Four Ruined Realms, which is the mind-blowing sequel to Five Broken Blades where the lies are bigger and the plots more treacherous.
Hi, Mai! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?
Hi all! I am a mother, former attorney, and author of the New York Times and Sunday Times instant bestseller Five Broken Blades. I was born in South Korea, but I was adopted and grew up in New York City.
When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?
My father was a librarian with the Brooklyn Public Library, so my love of stories started early. I also wrote (extremely angsty) journals starting from when I was thirteen. Around that time, stories became my way of making sense of the world around me and my own feelings. They have been ever since.
Quick lightning round! Tell us:
- The first book you ever remember reading: Good Night Moon
- The one that made you want to become an author: The Client byJohn Grisham
- The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Jade City by Fonda Lee
Four Ruined Realms is the sequel to Five Broken Blades and it’s out January 7th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?
Trauma-bonded crew facing new issues!
For those who haven’t read Five Broken Blades, what can they expect?
Five Broken Blades is the start of a new adult trilogy. Fve of the most dangerous liars in the realm come together to try to pull off the impossible: kill the god king of Yusan. There are secrets, lies, and a twist at the end.
And for those who have, what do they have to look forward to in Four Ruined Realms?
More lies and new liars, more secrets and reveals, more action, and more devastation. Four Ruined Realms picks up a week after Five Broken Blades left off, with the blades entering a new land on a new quest to steal the Golden Ring of the Dragon Lord from the queen of Khitan.
Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring further?
Four Ruined Realms is my favorite book in the series so far. I, of course, enjoyed continuing the development of all of the characters, forging and breaking their relationships. Tiyung wound up being the most fascinating character to write. I loved adding a new nightmare bird, but it was the epic ending that was my favorite to draft.
Did you face any challenges with writing the sequel? How did you overcome them?
Four Ruined Realms just flowed. Five Broken Blades was my first fantasy and I learned so much that the sequel was easy. Now, the last book, on the other hand, nearly killed me.
What’s the best and worst writing advice you’ve received?
The best writing advice was to read more. It’s such a pleasurable way to expand your own horizons. The worst is any advice that tells you that you MUST do (fill in the blank). You don’t need to write 10,000 words a day, write every day, or take weekends off. You’ll find what works best for you… or at least what you can live with. My process is terrible, but it’s mine.
What’s next for you?
I just finished the last book of the trilogy and while it was hard to write, I’m so proud of it! I’m excited to revise and shape it with my editor. It will be on shelves before the end of 2025! If I can tell you a secret? There will be a spin-off to the Broken Blades trilogy. I’m also in the beginning stages of working on a new, spicy duology that we have planned for 2026.
Lastly, what books are you looking forward to picking up in 2025?
Oh gosh, there are so many! I’ve been on deadline for so long that I am woefully behind in my reading. I have Rebel Witch, The Familiar, Hurricane Wars, Honey Witch, and The Bane Witch all on my desk—apparently, a lot of witches. I also finally want to read The Fifth Season.