Q&A: Lindsay Lovise, Author of ‘Never Blow A Kiss’

We chat with author Lindsay Lovise about her latest release Never Blow A Kiss, which is a delightfully witty Victorian romance where a governess spy running away from her past falls for an ex-soldier turned railroad magnate—perfect for fans of Manda Collins and Bridgerton!

Hi, Lindsay! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Thank you so much for having me! I’m a former nonprofit and middle school teacher who now stays home with her children and writes at nap time instead of on her lunch breaks. I’m pretty hobbyless other than reading and writing, so maybe the most interesting facts about me are that I love homemade bread and hedgehogs.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I was writing and filling notebooks with very bad stories at a young age. One of my favorite things to beg for as a kid was a fresh, Five Star notebook. There is nothing like peeling back the cover on a brand-new notebook and smoothing your hand across that first blank page. I was fortunate to be the recipient of many PaperBucks—paper gift certificates for a bookstore in my hometown that has long since closed. My parents never censored my reading and took me to the library often, and I’m really grateful that I had so much exposure to books and the freedom to explore them.

I started writing seriously over a decade ago, and Never Blow a Kiss was the ninth book I’d written.

With it being the new year, are you setting any goals or resolutions for 2024?

I love new years and fresh starts, so absolutely! As a debut author it’s really easy to get caught up in all the voices talking about your work. It’s so new and exciting to have your book out there! My goal this year is to really focus on the thing I love—writing the best stories I can—and spending less time on social media.

Your debut novel, Never Blow a Kiss, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Intrigue, kissing, murder, ballgowns, secrets.

What can readers expect?

Our heroine, Emily, is a governess recruited to help spy on the ton and hold them accountable for their crimes. While doing so, she meets Detective Constable Zachariah Denholm, the man tasked with hunting down a London killer targeting sex workers. As Emily and Zach continue to run into one another and fall in love, a secret from her past threatens to collide with his present investigation.

Readers can expect: Characters who aren’t titled, romance, big secrets, steam, a hero who falls first, a murder mystery, and a resilient governess.

Where did the inspiration for Never Blow a Kiss come from?

One day I was in the shower (where all the most original thoughts occur) and was thinking about how many incredible women’s stories have been lost to time. I wondered, what if there had been a secret society of women who were actively doing dangerous jobs, like spying and changing the world for the better, but we never heard of them simply because of their sex? Voilà! The Secret Society of Governess Spies was born.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved writing about the Dove. She has such an interesting past, and she’s a real badass female vigilante. I can’t wait to share more of her story with readers!

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: Aside from children’s books, I remember loving Frisby & the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien (and this would pave the way for my later obsession with the Redwall series).
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery. I still read this book annually.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: I don’t think I can answer this. Bits of books pop into my head all the time, from books I read 25 years ago to something I read yesterday.

This is your debut published novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

Tough, to be honest. It took me a long time to find an agent, and over the course of eight previous books I received over 300 rejections. Getting an agent was the hardest part, actually, because once I signed with her and we went on submission things took off, and I’ve been so fortunate to be able to sell other projects since. I’ll always be grateful for my agent. She took a chance on me, she’s encouraged me, and she’s been there every step of the way.

What’s next for you?

I have a paranormal romance hitting bookstores on September 17th titled Perfectly Wicked, and it’s about three “magical” sisters on an apple farm in Maine and the paranormal TV show star who wants to expose them. Never Gamble Your Heart, the second book in The Secret Society of Governess Spies series, is coming out February 4, 2025. That book is about Frankie, and I loved writing it and I think readers will enjoy it too.

Lastly, are there any 2024 book releases that you’re looking forward to?

There are so many incredibly talented writers and books coming out in 2024 that I don’t think I could single any of them out, because five minutes from now I would think of ten more I should have included. I will recommend following the Instagram account @2024debuts if you want to know more about all the amazing, brand-new titles coming out this year!

Will you be picking up Never Blow A Kiss? Tell us in the comments below!


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