With each episode of Legacies, I am getting even more obsessed with this series!
This week’s episode starts with a flashback of 14th century France, where we see the mysterious knife that Landon stole and the gargoyle coming to life. Essentially, a couple of witches come to take the knife, and the gargoyle serves as its protector, so the gargoyle murders both men rather viciously.
In present day, Ric is studying the knife while the gargoyle lurks outside his window. Ric tries to get to the bottom of what’s going on, and also decides to get some of the students out of the school. He informs Hope, Lizzie, and Josie that they will all be doing community service as punishment for the fight at the football game, and for Hope it was a punishment for using black magic. And when Lizzie tries to blame Josie for what happened at the game, Josie attaches herself to Hope for the day.
The students head to Mystic Falls town square where Lizzie, MG, and her crew take over graffiti cleanup while Hope and Josie have to do trash duty. However, Lizzie gives up on her service when Dana and some of the students from Mystic Falls High show up and one throws a milkshake on Lizzie. Lizzie storms back to the school and to Alaric.
Alaric is right in the middle of talking to Emma (the guidance counsellor), about how the knife is seemingly indestructible when Lizzie comes in and blames her father for everything that has happened in the past few days. Lizzie declares she’s not going back to community service so Alaric tells her to help the primary students in the garden. While she is in the garden, she talks to Pedro, one of the young students and the gargoyle attacks. Thankfully, Lizzie is able to complete a spell before the gargoyle scratches her and paralyses her.
Meanwhile, Hope and Josie are arguing but then they turn it into a bonding opportunity when they both say that they spent years ‘poking’ each other. But, when Josie tries to push Hope for answers about her mission with Alaric, Hope gets so angry that she stabs the trash poker into her foot. Luckily, she heals quickly because she’s part vampire (though we still haven’t seen much of that). This does break some of the tension between the two as they both laugh.

The two girls get to know more about each other. Hope finds out about Josie’s crush on Rafael, and how Lizzie has dibs. Hope confesses that Alaric is punishing her for using black magic. Josie then tells Hope that Lizzie is sensitive as she misses her mother who is on long recruitment missions. Hope understands this all too well as both her parents are dead. Josie says she remembers when Hayley would come visit the school and apologies for not sending flowers. Hope says Alaric sent some and signed Josie and Lizzie’s name on them, however they decide that this fact means the two twins definitely deserve more poking.
Hope and Josie decide to do a spell to try to magically video chat with Landon, when Josie gets a shooting pain in her stomach and explains that it’s twin pain, so something happened to Lizzie.
At the school, Alaric tries to draw the gargoyle away with the knife, but when he comes face-to-face with the gargoyle, it knocks him out. The gargoyle has the knife and tries to leave the school but can’t as the spell Lizzie completed right before being paralysed was a boundary spell. The gargoyle can’t get out.
During this, MG and Dana enjoy a brief make-out session until MG compels Dana to tell him the truth about her feelings. She says she’s in love with her best friend’s boyfriend and wants to use MG to make him jealous and MG knows he’s using her to make Lizzie jealous. MG then knows he can’t kiss her anymore so compels Dana to forget about their makeout and leave. However, he finds her on the bus with Kaleb, a few minutes later, and Kaleb is feeding on her which he asks MG to keep as a secret. MG reluctantly agrees.
By the time Hope and Josie get to the school, Josie has to take down the boundary spell, which means they need to kill the gargoyle before it can escape. They run into Alaric who has a theory about why the gargoyle didn’t kill him. Together, the three of them head to the library, where Alaric steps in front of Hope before the gargoyle can kill her, which scares Josie. But the gargoyle doesn’t stab Ric, and when it hesitates, they attack. Ultimately, Hope and Josie use a spell to explode the gargoyle, but the win is not followed by a celebration. Josie is upset as her father almost died for Hope, and she storms out of the room. He tells Hope that in France, this gargoyle took a vow to never harm humanity, but instead, to fight evil on its behalf. In this scenario, the gargoyle saw the supernatural beings as the evil and Ric as the one who needed protection.

Ultimately, Hope convinces Alaric that in order for the school to stay safe and for everyone to work together, there can’t be secrets, and so Alaric tells the students about the dragon and the gargoyle. He gives Dorian the knife as Dorian is about to go on the road.
While all this is going on, Rafael and Landon are attempting to live on their own. But then, Landon decides it’s a good idea to use Rafael’s werewolf powers to earn money. Soon, a werewolf hunter finds them, but Jeremy steps in as he watching them per Alaric’s request. Jeremy tells them that he has been tasked with keeping Raf and Landon safe. He tried to scare them away by writing ‘Run, Wolf or Die’ on a dollar bill (which Landon hid from Raf). but it didn’t work so Jeremy stepped in. Jeremy put an arrow in the werewolf hunter’s chest, and will be taking the boys back to the school, after Rafael forgives Landon for lying to him (honestly he should stop doing that).
The episode ends with Hope seeing Landon in the hallway and then walking away, while outside the school’s gates, Dana and her best friend Sasha are waiting for Connor so they can deface the school. But when Sasha gets out of the car to call Connor, she ends up yelling and something large lands on Dana’s car and she screams.
Final Thoughts?
I am still enjoying this a lot. Also, adding in mythical creatures is so new and different and I actually love it! Legacies is becoming so good. I really enjoy the relationships with the twins and I liked how Hope and Josie are going to possibly be friends now. However, I find it annoying that the twins get so mad at their dad for spending time with Hope!
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