Authors In Conversation: Kiera Cass and Sarah Mlynowski

Kiera Cass and Sarah Mlynowski Author Interview

In conversation are authors Kiera Cass and Sarah Mlynowski, who both have new novels out this month—The Betrothed and Just A Boy and A Girl In A Little Canoe! The pair chat about their novels,  love triangles, snacks, and more!

In a couple sentences, tell us about your new books, The Betrothed and Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe.

Kiera: The Betrothed is about a young girl named Hollis who gets the attention of a king. She’s very close to becoming his queen when a handsome stranger shows up at the castle. Drama ensues. Obviously.

Sarah: Ooooooh, fun! What does it say about me that I knew immediately that I am Team Handsome Stranger? My new book, Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe, is about summer camp after dark. When Sam’s boyfriend ditches her for a European backpacking trip, Sam gets a job as a counselor at the camp she swore she’d never return to, and falls for Gavin, the hot sailing instructor, who is also in a relationship. Drama ensues, too!

Kiera: Sounds like we’re both into unexpected romantic entanglements—and potentially torturing our readers!

Both The Betrothed and Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe focus on main characters falling into very swoon-worthy romances, though in very different time periods and locations. What inspired you to choose the setting that you did for your novel?

Kiera: I placed The Betrothed in a Tudor-style era, because I’m super into it, but I made the kingdom and customs my own, so I could have control over it. I was in a similar situation when it came to The Selection. It reads like a fairytale to me, but when I couldn’t find the right place to put it, I just put it in a future so I could build the world myself. I feel like if I ever wrote a straight contemporary, I’d struggle!

Sarah: I bet you would be great at writing a straight contemporary, Kiera. Half the fun is figuring out how to make the world (or the camp!) your own. I chose camp as my setting because I am a camp diehard—I spent ten summers as a camper and counselor from when I was nine to nineteen. Campfires, sun-drenched beaches, the sky blanketed in stars…how could you not fall in love?

Kiera: This is making me want to drop everything and go to sleepaway camp!

Hollis in The Betrothed and Sam in Just a Boy are both torn between two young men in their lives. What is one of your favorite love triangles in books, film, or TV?

Sarah: I loved the Hunger Games love triangle. I know it’s a good love triangle because I was both #TeamPeeta and #TeamGale. Don’t @ me.

Kiera: No, I get that, because I had similar moments with Twilight, which is my fave. I mean, Twilight. Twilight 5ever. And this also might be why my favorite movie is “That Thing You Do.” It has a very lowkey love triangle where you know someone should be with someone else.

Sarah: I never saw “That Thing You Do!” Adding to must watch list. Which needs more entries now that I can’t leave the house.

You’re both skilled at writing escapist romance for teens. What draws you to writing in this genre in particular?

Kiera: My soul is 17! In the same way I think I might come across poorly with a contemporary, I feel like my voice would fall flat writing adult fiction. Plus writing for teens (teen girls in particular) is THE MOST FUN EVER!

Sarah: It is really fun! I like writing about firsts—first time on your own, first real love, first real heartbreak. Teen love is just so all-consuming, it’s hard to resist. But I might be biased—I met my husband when I was seventeen!

Kiera: Seventeen! No wonder you are the master of teen romance!

Speaking of escapist romances, tell us something that you’re using these days to take a break from the world.

Sarah: I am learning how to ride a bike. Why don’t I know how to ride a bike already? I don’t know. I was always too scared to try as a kid. But learning a new skill now keeps me focused and out of my head… exactly what I need right these days. Even though I haven’t quite gotten the hang of it. Yet.

Kiera: I agree on new skills! I’ve been baking more and trying to decorate cakes. I’m not stellar at either, but it’s fun to try something new. I’ve been doing some walking, watching TV shows (“Masked Singer” and “New Amsterdam” are up there right now!), and literally hiding inside my head. It’s safe in there, and I know where everything is.

Also, high fives on learning to ride a bike! Never too late!

Sarah: Thank you! And your head sounds a lot more organized than mine is!

Both Hollis and Sam are characters trying to figure out what their hearts are telling them. Are you willing to share a moment when you weren’t sure how to translate what your heart was saying?

Kiera: Well, my husband asked me out three times before I gave him a shot. Does that count? We’re 16 years and 2 kids in now, so I’m pretty sure he’s the one.

Sarah: We’re 16 years and 2 kids in now, too! Jinx! Although my husband and I started dating at seventeen, we broke up after college for two years. We got back together right before he was moving to New York City for grad school, and he wanted me to move with him. I debated. It was a risk. New country! New friends! New job! Living together!!! I debated some more. But my heart said, GO. So I went. And now…16 years! 2 kids! So it seems like I made the right call.

If Sam and Hollis suddenly switched places (and stories), what’s the first thing each one of them would do?

Sarah: Sam would get a royal makeover. Before being crowned queen, after six weeks at sleepaway camp, she’d desperately need a haircut, a blowout, a mani-pedi, a facial, and something to wear besides cut-off shorts, a tank top, and sandy sneakers. Hollis would have to take her swim test to make sure she’s allowed in the deep end of the lake. She’d also need to coat herself in bug spray and sunscreen. I hope she likes boating!

Kiera: Hollis could 100% help out with a royal makeover. She’s hooking up her friends once she gets to the top for sure. As for going in the deep end of the lake… I wouldn’t trust her near any bodies of water right now. It hasn’t worked out well for her so far.

Sarah: Sam can teach her how to swim if you’d like.

I like to snack while I read. Tell us, what’s the perfect snack pairing for your book.

Kiera: Oh, something decadent. I’m talking a four-tier barrel cake with strawberry compote, buttercream frosting, and golden sugar flowers. Not sure if that counts as a snack, but for Hollis, nothing else will do!

Sarah: Yes, please. For Just a Boy… I’d recommend roasted marshmallows, obviously! Or toasted marshmallows if you don’t have access to a campfire. Add a graham cracker and chocolate for extra happiness and campiness. 

Kiera: I think our books are destined to be BFFs! I could totally see Hollis rolling up her fancy sleeves to roast some marshmallows!


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