We chat with author Jennifer Coburn about The Girls of the Glimmer Factory, which is a story of resistance, friendship, and the dangers of propaganda, based on the real story of the Nazi “show camp” Theresienstadt.
Hi, Jennifer! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?
Sure thing. First, thank you for the chance to connect with The Nerd Daily readers. I’m excited to chat about The Girls of the Glimmer Factory with you.
I grew up in New York City and moved to San Diego after I graduated from the University of Michigan. When I am not going down historical research rabbit holes, I am a volunteer with So Say We All, a live storytelling organization where I am a performer, performance coach, and occasional guest producer. When I’m on deadline, however, I’m just the lady who takes your cover charge at the front door at the bar. I am also a volunteer with Reality Changers, a non-profit that supports low-income high school students working to become the first in their families to go to college. I specialize in college essay development and nagging.
When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?
I’ve been storytelling for as long as I can remember and writing since I could hold a pencil. There was never a discovery per se.
Quick lightning round! Tell us:
- The first book you ever remember reading: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
- The one that made you want to become an author: The Diary of Anne Frank
- The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Feral City
Your latest novel, The Girls of the Glimmer Factory, is out January 28th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?
Courageous prisoners resist Nazi propaganda.
What can readers expect?
I hope readers will walk away reminded of how the strength of women’s friendships can see us through even the most harrowing times. A reviewer on Goodreads called The Girls of the Glimmer Factory a “brutally beautiful story,” which was the best compliment I think I could ask for.
Where did the inspiration for The Girls of the Glimmer Factory come from?
My debut historical novel Cradles of the Reich was set in the Nazi baby breeding program called the Lebensborn Society. When I was doing research for it, I came across familiar examples of Nazi propaganda. There were antisemitic children’s books, films, and even board games. These I’d known about. What I hadn’t realized was that the Nazis created an entire concentration camp specifically for propaganda purposes. They needed to create a place where they could show the world how well Jewish people were living in Nazi-occupied Europe, so they built the lovely Jewish settlement they called Theresienstadt.
As the Nazis were drafting the Final Solution, the genocide of European Jews, they knew the world would start asking questions. Theresienstadt was a place they could take Red Cross inspectors to convince them that any talk of death camps were just rumors fabricated by the Lugenpresse, – the lying news — and so-called Jewish sensationalists.
I almost wrote about Theresienstadt in Cradles of the Reich. But the more I learned, I realized that this propaganda camp had to be more than a story element in a book. It needed to be its own novel with its own cast of characters − characters who would show the strength of human connection, kindness, art, and beauty.
Can you tell us a bit about your research process for The Girls of the Glimmer Factory?
I’ll start by saying that my author’s note is 14 pages because there were so many people supporting my research, including four sensitivity readers in different fields. I relied on dozens of subject matter experts to ensure I celebrated holidays correctly, put the right food on the table, and used the appropriate vernacular. I tried to weave in the details unobtrusively, so my research would help make the environment authentic rather than overwhelm readers with minutiae. I also spent 5 days at the former concentration camp in the Czech Republic. There, I got to view the artwork produced and performed at Theresienstadt, see their barracks, and walk their paths. I stayed at a small hotel that was once prisoner housing that was transformed into a fake coffeehouse for Red Cross inspections and propaganda films.
Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?
I was in awe of how, despite being in such a horrific environment, prisoners managed to create a vibrant cultural scene with thousands of concerts, performances, and lectures. There were also more than 5,000 pieces of visual art made by prisoners, from children’s drawings to pieces by world renowned artists. I was deeply moved when I saw — and listened to — their work in the Theresienstadt archives.
Did you face any challenges? How did you overcome them?
My biggest challenges came from within. I had more than a few dark nights of the soul when I questioned my ability to take on the enormous responsibility of writing about Theresienstadt. The subject matter could not be timelier, and I wanted to make sure I communicated that effectively (without getting preachy or info dumping). I struggle with anxiety under the best of circumstances, but thankfully I have good friends I can call and lean on for support.
What’s next for you?
I’ll be on tour so please check out the events section on my website to see if I’ll be in a city near you. I absolutely love meeting readers! (It’s my favorite part of the job, really.)
Then it’s back to writing my next novel, a story loosely based on my mother’s experiences as a “beard” for gay men in Greenwich Village in the 1950s.
Lastly, what books are you looking forward to picking up in 2025?
One of Them by Kitty Zeldis
The Martha’s Vineyard Beach and Book Club by Martha Hall Kelly
The Stolen Queen by Fiona Davis
The Belle Haven Home for Girls by Adele Myers
Of course, I will be continuing my ongoing battle with my growing TBR list: read one, add two!