Written by Melissa Platt
The episode starts with a flashback of Johnny raising money for Dallas for the injured soldiers, which is a cause close to his heart as he also served. His fundraiser almost gets bombed, but his mutant abilities aid him and he throws the bomb away and saves many lives.
In the present, Marcos and Johnny confirm that Sentinel Services is bringing mutants to their side and turning against the others, so Johnny says they need to start playing dirtier just like they are.
Caitlyn is worried about why they are training all the kids for combat and not about other things. She then finds the school books they have and decides to try and start a little school for the kids, so they can learn about more than combat. Later on in the episode, Caitlyn sees how Polaris is training the kids, which is by throwing objects at them and trying to get them to block it. She steps in and argues with Lorna and results in her taking Lauren out of training.
Clarice brings up the memory situation to Johnny as she’s still mad because Johnny didn’t do as much as he could to stop Dreamer from doing it and how they keep using it. Clarice asks if the feelings Johnny showed for her, during the rescue of Lorna and Reed, were real, but Johnny just says it’s complicated, which causes Clarice to leave the underground.
They start to form a plan on how to get into the Federal building with Andy volunteering to help get them in and says it’s his turn to fight. Caitlyn is worried about Andy and notices Reed doesn’t have his ring, then becomes more worried, but allows them to go. Later, we see that Caitlyn got Reed a new ring and their worries lighten.
Turner returns to work without authorization and immediately starts trying to make a plan to get the mutants by calling the scientist Roderick Campbell and agreeing to work with him. Turner then gets reinstated by Campbell, but only if he can get his hands on the Strucker children’s files. Turner almost seems reluctant to say yes, except near the end of the episode, we see that Turner pushes his team harder to get what he wants to find the mutants, so it appears he is badly influenced by Campbell.

Marcos, Reed, and Andy leave to go to the federal building, but get stopped by the police. Marcos extends his abilities and absorbs the light so the officer can’t see them and they continue on their mission. At a pit stop, Reed talks to Andy about his powers in an attempt to understand, but only ends up aggravating him by not fully supporting him. Once, they get back on the road, Marcos tells Reed to keep pushing at Andy because he is going to need someone to help him get through. Then, Marcos asks Reed about being a dad and tells him that he worries about being a father because of how his dad was, but Reed tells him it will work out.
Dreamer confronts Johnny about his conversation with Clarice and it leads to us finding out that Johnny still feels guilty about leaving Pulse. He even says that maybe the X-Men made a mistake by making him a part of the underground. Johnny is also worried that they might not win the battle the X-Men are preparing for.
Marcos finds the federal building is more secure than he thought. He calls Polaris and tells her the plan, and asks how the baby is, which tells us he is already trying to be a very caring dad.
Caitlyn still argues about the training Lorna is giving the kids by saying it’s not normal, but Lorna says it’s now their normal. However, Caitlyn still puts Lauren to work, which causes her to start sneaking around with a new mutant named Wes, who is about the same age as her. We can see that she is starting to warm up to him and tells him about hiding her powers.
Reed, Andy, and Marcos find a spot to get into the building and Andy gets them through, but Reed still treats him as the kid and sends him back to the truck. They break into the room and they get the files and hard drives. Marcos goes to cover their tracks by destroying some parts and this angers Reed because he was once part of them. The police start to pile into the building before they get out, but they manage to get back on the road.

As they drive away, they notice they are being followed by police and soon find out that they are headed for a police ambush. Marcos calls Lorna and she comes up with the plan to get Wes to create an illusion to divert Sentinel Services. Polaris pushes Lauren and Wes to push hard to get the guys through the ambush. The truck keeps going and the police get read to shoot, but Polaris holds back the bullets and Lauren creates a ramp for the truck to take to get over the vehicles and people. Then, Wes creates an illusion in which way the truck turned, but the truck actually went straight, and they lost the cops.
Johnny finds out that they are getting more refugees into the underground and becomes more stressed out. Dreamer notices this and tries to convince Johnny that what they did to Clarice is okay, but Johnny disagrees. She also says that it’s okay that he made it out and Pulse didn’t, then she kisses him and he kisses her back.
After everything is over and they are back at the underground safe and sound, Reed and Andy sit down and Reed tells him he wants to hear everything no matter what it is and that he is and always will be proud of him.
The last scene shows us, Marcos getting a call from Carmine telling him he has to help or else she will call Sentinel Services.
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