Cracking Open The Cover With Author Eric R. Asher

Eric Asher Author Interview
Written by Stacey Rourke

Hey booklovers! It’s time to get to know another amazing author! If you’re a fan of loads of gritty action, blended with snarky humour, you’re going to want to stockpile absolutely everything ever written by Eric Asher. This award-winning author has penned the savagely funny Vesik series, ventured into inventive young adult realms with his Steamborn trilogy, and introduced us to the hilarious Mason Dixon urban fantasy adventures.

Without further ado, let’s crack open the cover with Eric!

Hi, Eric! Thanks for joining us today. Let’s start with the Twitter challenge! Describe your Steamborn Trilogy in 280 characters or less. Ready? Go!

A post-apocalyptic re-imagining of the world if it ended during the industrial revolution and was rebuilt on steam technology. Oh, and giant bugs! I think my favourite description actually came from author Mari Mancusi, “A steampunk Starship Troopers!”

That’s a perfect description. Your characters are so much fun, if you could pick one of them to have a beer with, who would it be and why?

I’d have to go with Mary. Who wouldn’t want to hear stories about sky pirates?

A pitcher or two would be required to hear all of those tales! You’ve won awards and found fantastic literary success. Tell me, what do you feel are common traps for aspiring authors?

Not writing. Doing everything except writing. Study the craft, but be sure to keep creating too. I don’t believe the adage that you have to write every day, but you should write regularly. It’s the only way to improve.

Can’t get better without practice, makes sense! So, what do you consider your writing Kryptonite?

It used to be my day job, but I was cured from that particular ailment earlier this year!

Congratulations on that accomplishment! Now that you’ve made it over that hurdle, if you could go back in time and tell your younger self anything about becoming a writer, what would it be?

Stop procrastinating and get your first draft done. You can always edit it later.

Very good point. Let’s talk a bit more about your Steamborn Trilogy. What, if anything, did you edit out of it?

Two additional backstories for the villain. There may have been bourbon involved in the first draft.

That, my friend is called the Hemmingway Method—“write drunk, edit sober.” What do you find to be the most difficult part of the creative process?

Developmental editing. It’s one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding parts. It’s where you get a chance to cut the excess out, move scenes to where they’ll have more impact, tighten up the pacing, things like that. It’s also hard.

I completely agree. You have to be ready to trim the fat for the sake of the story. What about writer’s block? Do you believe in it?

Nope. I believe in bourbon. Don’t get me wrong, some days are easier than others, but sometimes you just have to sit down at the keyboard and drag those words out.

You can’t edit a blank page, as they say. Alternate reality time; if you could have any other job on the planet, what would it be?

Marketing consultant. I do enjoy marketing for some weird reason. Ooo ooo, no. Squishable designer!

Squishable designer would be the dream! How fun! What future projects? What can readers look forward to from you?

I’m currently working on a series of stories that will bring the main Vesik arc to a close. It’s going to be one epic ride! After that, I have at least six more books to write in the Steamborn world, and I’m excited to get back to steampunk again! Sprinkled throughout, we’ll have some more Mason Dixon adventures too.

I know I’ll be checking them out! Thank you so much for joining us, Eric! It was an absolute pleasure.

Nerd Daily readers, you can learn more about Eric on Facebook, Bookbub, Goodreads, and on his website. And make sure to check out his Amazon author page for a full list of his catalog of titles!

Until next time, bookworms, keep reading!

Have you read any of Eric’s books? Tell us in the comments below!

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