Every bookworm dreams of gathering a library which will cover all walls of their apartment or house from top to bottom. We imagine while we are reading, that the stories in front of us are real and that we are a part of the story, which is one of the main reasons why we all love to read. To find another place, maybe even a futuristic or magical place, different from what we are used to.
And now imagine if this library of yours would be a special one… One that keeps the biggest secrets of the world in it and you are the Guard of all those mystical things. Dream job, right?
Back in 2004, The Librarian franchise begins with“The Librarian – Quest for the Spear” and introduces you to Flynn Carsen (played by the great Noah Wyle) who is around 30 years old and a student for life. He loves to learn and to read. His desperate mother tries to pair him with girls so that he would finally get interested in starting his own family and get a decent job. Having a dozen of degrees should get him one, right?
When his university kicks him out, he falls into depression, not knowing what he should do now. One day, a letter arrives for him, inviting him to a job interview to be the new Librarian of the Metropolitan Public Library. You can imagine how Flynn reacted. Taking one step at a time, he arrives at the Library only to find out that he was not the only one getting the invitation.
When it is his turn to enter the interview room, he meets the library administrator Charlene (Jane Curtin) who asks him a simple question. Why should he be THE librarian? Not knowing how to answer, he starts telling her what he can find out about her from only looking at her clothes and behaviour, which convinces Judson (Bob Newhart), the head of library.
Flynn is then introduced to his new place of work and cannot believe that he should now be the guard of Pandora’s box, the golden fleece, and numerous other historical and magical artefacts. This must be a joke, but no, it is not! All those things of which we learn in history are real and need to be protected at all costs. From now on, he can call the famous sword Excalibur his friend and gets paid for what he loves. However, his perfect job turns sideways, when he is sent on his first quest to retrieve a stolen part of the Spear of destiny. Now he must put his genius brain to the test and prove himself worthy of being the librarian.

In 2006, the second movie “The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines” released in which Flynn receives clues to retrieve the book of which gives its owner the power of time and space. Flynn travels to Kenya to start his next big quest.
The last and third movie of the franchise “The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice” came out in 2008. For a fantasy story, this one is operating on another level. Flynn is sent to New Orleans to retrieve the Judas Chalice, the vampire version of the Holy Grail. Yes, you read correctly. The movie picks up the story of Vlad Dracul and lets Flynn work with and fight some vampires.
Are you hooked already? If not, let me give you some more reasons why you should definitely give these movies a chance:
- Books
- A charismatic nerdy main character
- Magic everywhere you look
- History provided on an entertaining level
- Books, books, books
- Fun fight scenes
- Oh, have I mentioned books already? Like shelf after shelf as far and beyond your eyes can see?
So, now if you’ve watched the trilogy, how about watching the TV series now as well while you are at it?

A couple of years later, the American network TNT announced they planned to continue the story of Flynn, Charlene, and Judson and bring the beloved story to the audience as a TV series. In 2014, the first episode of The Librarians aired and as the title reveals, it is about more than just one librarian.
The Library is in need of help and sends out invitations to potential new librarians. Usually, this happens when the current librarian dies. However, Flynn, who is not yet dead, is desperately trying to save the library as it has lost its anchor at the Metropolitan Public Library and starts floats around from one place to another, losing its magic. It is soon clear, that those three candidates will not compete against each other, but should complement one another. Together, they can save the library.
Cassandra Cillian (Lindy Booth) is a brilliant mathematician and scientist who later discovers that she has a bit of magic in her blood; Ezekiel Jones (John Harlan Kim), a thief and hacker whose IQ is higher as his EQ; and Jake Stone (Christian Kane), a polymath, linguist, expert in architecture, art, art history, archaeology, and world cultures.
As in the movies, a guardian has to be chosen to keep the librarians safe, so Col. Eve Baird (Rebecca Romijn), a former member of the NATO Anti-Terrorist Unit, is chosen to be their new guardian.
Replacing the position of Charlene and Judson in one character is Jenkins (John Larroguette) who helps them all for four seasons long.
We hope you enjoyed the introduction to this franchise and are already on your way to watching the movies and TV series. The only things left to do for you are now to get a delicious drink and some snacks and enjoy while hiding from the heat or cold, depending where you live!
I just love this franchise and missing it very much ! Three books were also written by Greg Cox, they are very good and transcribe the universe and characters perfectly !