Q&A: Camryn Garrett, Author of ‘Friday I’m In Love’

The Nerd Daily recently had the chance to chat with Camryn Garrett, author of the novels Off the Record, Full Disclosure and the upcoming Friday I’m in Love, a story filled with queer joy and dazzling party planning! We got to ask Camryn all our burning questions surrounding coming out parties, the perfect mixtape and so much more!

Hi, Camryn! Thanks so much for joining us! Why don’t you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m the author of three young adult novels, a recent college graduate, part-time bookseller, and a fan of classic romantic-comedies. I’m excited for the release of my new book!

Lightning round: What never fails to make you smile, what’s a compliment you never get tired of hearing and what song would you put on every single playlist?

I always smile at dogs with little shoes. I never get tired of being complimented on my movie picks for movie night. I would always put a song by The Cure on a playlist.

Tell us about Friday I’m in Love! What can readers expect?

Friday I’m in Love is about a girl named Mahalia who decides to have a lavish coming-out party where she’ll celebrate her sexuality with friends and family, but keeps running into financial issues while also juggling a crush on a new girl at school. I was inspired by a lot of teen movies from the early 2000s and really wanted to write a Black queer ode to them.

Friday I’m in Love is your third novel and your first venture into rom-coms! What were highlights and struggles you faced while writing?

I think it was hard to actually make sure it was funny! Rom-coms make it look easier than it is. I didn’t want the laughs to be too cheap, but I also didn’t want it to feel like I was shoving laughs in at every available moment, so we had to find a balance.

Mahalia deeply connects to music in this book, especially older songs and bands. What songs would need to be on your perfect mixtape?

I think every song on Beyonce’s Renaissance, plus all of the disco that inspired it.

Friday I’m in Love is, beyond being an uplifting queer read, also very character-driven. Mahalia deals with a variety of complex issues from financial struggles to racism and homophobia, yet never gives up fighting for herself and her dream party. What do you want readers to take away from Mahalia’s story?

I really want people to know that they are more than just the struggles that they go through, especially if they’re marginalized. I also wanted people to lean into joy, even when things are difficult. Things have been hard for pretty much everyone the past few years. We’ve all dealt with that in different ways, but I hope this book is a bit of a salve for that.

And speaking of dream parties! What are the three essentials every coming out party needs?

An iconic playlist, a team of gay friends, and rainbow snacks, of course!

Friday I’m in Love features so many moments of black, queer joy! Without spoiling too much, did you have a favorite scene between Mahalia and Siobhan while writing?

The scene in the auditorium was a delight to write.

If Friday I’m in Love were to be adapted into a movie, what three songs would have to be on the soundtrack?

I’d really want Silk Chiffon by Muna, Just Like Heaven and Friday I’m in Love by the Cure. A lot of the Cure! They should be featured prominently.

With Friday I’m in Love releasing soon, are you already working on another project? If so, can you share a tidbit about it with us?

I’m really in between projects right now! I have some ideas, but am still in the early stages, and get superstitious about sharing. But I definitely want to write more rom-coms.

Last but not least, do you have any book recommendations for our readers?

Ah! I’m currently reading Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto, which comes out in March, and I’m in love with it. The voice reminds me of Meg Cabot and the Princess Diaries, especially if you consider meddling family members, but it’s so funny and delightful in a way that doesn’t feel forced at all. I’d love to write something like it.

Will you be picking up Friday I’m In Love? Tell us in the comments below!


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