Q&A: Aspen Andersen, Author of ‘The After Hours’

We chat with debut author Aspen Andersen about The After Hours, along with writing, book recommendations, and more!

Hi, Aspen! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m the author of The After Hours, the first in an urban fantasy trilogy about a young woman, Sloane, who can suddenly manipulate time and must resist the urge to rewrite all her regrets while figuring out *when* her murderous stalker is from. I’m a mother of humans and canines (in no particular order), a double Virgo, and easily bribed with techno music and good sushi.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

Very early, preschool age. Every book that I read or was read to me, made me want to write my own story inspired by it. I think I was seven years old when I started writing a retelling of The Lost City of Atlantis, albeit, based on very limited knowledge of the actual story. That draft died with my family’s 90s-era Macintosh. Who knows, maybe I’ll write it one day!

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: My own book, The First Summer Book. I was four years old, and highly uninterested in reading, I just wanted to write.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Just one? Okay, out of my most recent reads, Tarnished by Erica Rose Eberhart. Still can’t decide which MC I have a crush on.

Your debut novel, The After Hours, is out March 4th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Past You mustn’t see you.

What can readers expect?

They can expect lots of twists, an easy-to-digest time travel magic system, an unhinged villain, and swoony outside-of-time kisses.

Where did the inspiration for The After Hours come from?

The initial spark probably came from Hermione’s Time Turner, but it grew into a full-blown world when I became obsessed with Hiro Nakamura from Heroes.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

One character I hadn’t planned on writing was Maddie, a young pre-teen sidekick who is bursting with as much sass as she is talent, and I loved getting to know her as she appeared on the page. A moment I loved writing was when I forced my MC to watch the biggest regret from her past happen right in front of her.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing? How did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge when I write anything is falling out of the atmosphere of the book. It happens when you have a busy life outside of writing, and it makes me sad every time how hard it is to get back in. Solo time in an environment that I’m not used to, while listening to my character’s songs, helps immensely.

This is your debut novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

Like for most authors, rejections galore! “No one wants time travel right now!” I’d disagree, there are some fantastic new time travel novels that were published recently or are publishing soon. I’m in great company.

What’s next for you?

I unfortunately can’t talk about it—but it definitely involves more writing!

Lastly, what books are you looking forward to picking up this year?

So many! Restaurant Kid by Rachel Phan, This Monster of Mine by Shalini Abeysekara, The Divide That Binds Us by Michelle J, Fallen’s First by Kassidy Coursey, and A Game of Fallen Stars by S.E. Berkeley.

Will you be picking up The After Hours? Tell us in the comments below!


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