Read An Excerpt From ‘All Signs Point To Malibu’ by Jennifer Snow

From USA TODAY bestselling author Jennifer Snow comes a hilarious rom-com with a speculative twist that asks: Why put off until tomorrow the wedding you can sabotage today?

Intrigued? Well read on to discover the synopsis and an excerpt from Jennifer Snow’s All Signs Point To Malibu, which is out September 17th 2024.

Hailey Harris can’t stop messing with fate. A successful life coach, Hailey uses her ability to glimpse the future to guide her clients down the right path. But her gift has made her own life lonely. After all, having a real friend would mean asking someone to believe the unbelievable.

The one person she might have confided in—her ex, Liam Jensen—is newly engaged to a beautiful, sweet, thoughtful heiress. But when Hailey has a vision predicting a not-so-happy ending for the couple, her mission is clear: help Liam and his fiancée avoid the biggest mistake of their lives.

Stopping the wedding while planning Liam’s engagement party is no easy feat. And Warren Mitchell—Liam’s sexy, irritating best man and Hailey’s nemesis—is suspicious of Hailey’s motivations. Between sleeping with her frenemy and watching her careful plans spiral out of control, Hailey discovers the real cause of Liam’s future heartbreak. But now that she knows the truth, will Hailey keep on fighting fate or trust in the love she never saw coming?

Not that I see Hailey as a woman in the datable sense. More like a walking red flag of what to avoid, but the transparency is something I wish for with the other women I date. Not having to be a mind reader would make the whole dating scene a lot easier. Although, truthfully, my ego probably couldn’t handle what women were actually thinking of me.

“But isn’t this whole wedding thing a little sudden?” she asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

There’s an ulterior motive.

Sure, when Liam first told me he’d proposed to a woman he’d known less than a year, I was a little nervous, but having met Sonia, I can understand. And they say ‘you know when you know.’ I don’t expect to ever get that kind of clarity, but it’s the catch phrase for all love-sick fools.

“What’s your problem with Sonia?” I ask. Besides the obvious—she’s competition.

“Nothing! She’s amazing,” she says quickly and it sounds like she means it. “…but Liam always wanted New York and skyscrapers and to make a difference with his architectural designs limiting environmental impacts—not luxury resorts. His plan was never to stay in California.”

Ah. “You mean his plan was never to stay for you.”

Hailey pouts again and damn, her mouth looks better in that position than any other. Maybe we should actually kiss and make up…

“This isn’t about me,” she says.

Ha! Since when? “Sure, it is. You thought you were getting a second chance when he came back. The reality is Liam has moved on. Don’t mess this up for him.”

Hailey rolls her eyes and scoffs. “How on earth could I mess this up?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a gift you have,” I say and notice that the team are staring at us from across the field. I can hear their dirty teenage minds at work as they grin and check out Hailey.

I check my watch and call them in. “That’s it for today, guys! It’s hot as hell—go cool off. See you all on Tuesday.”

They all looked thrilled by the practice being cut short and start casually tossing around the football and play tackling one another.

Sure, now they’ve got energy.

I turn to Hailey as the teens mess around on the field. “As much as it’s been a pleasure seeing you three times in one week, I gotta go.”

“Who’s the lucky lady about to be left disillusioned and disappointed?”

Ah, there we go. Back to insults. It’s a relief to have the universe’s balance restored. “Actually, I’m meeting the perfect couple for lunch.”

I bend to gather my things and out of the corner of my eye I see it…but I’m too late with a warning.

A football flies through the air, sailing straight toward the side of Hailey’s head. As if in slow motion, I see Marcus run and dive…

He catches the ball just before it hits her but body checks her straight off her feet in the process.


I move toward her limp, flailed body on the grass. Her coffee cup was luckily launched three feet away otherwise she’d probably have third degree burns. Her eyes are closed and her face is slack.

“I think she’s dead,” Marcus says, holding the ball under his arm.

“She’s not dead. She’s dramatic,” I say, gently kicking her outstretched arm. “Hailstorm, get up.”

Marcus shoots me a look at the insensitivity, then bends next to her. He shakes her shoulder gently. “Hey, lady. You good?”

Hailey’s eyes flutter open. She blinks several times toward the sky, then sits up slowly.

Marcus looks relieved. “Shit, sorry `bout that.” He stands and extends a hand to help her up.

Hailey reluctantly accepts it as she gets to her feet. She still looks slightly dazed as she stands there, almost in a haze like state, but then she drops Marcus’s hand as though she’s been torched. Her expression is suddenly one of conflict and…fear?

She takes several steps back.

“You cool?” Marcus asks her.

“Fine,” she stammers awkwardly. She stares at him for a long beat, an odd look on her face. “Um…stay out of trouble,” she finally mumbles.

“O-kay,” Marcus says slowly, then hurries off across the field.

Hailey watches him with a seriously weird expression on her face and I study her. “If you’re thinking about pressing assault charges, the ball would have done a hell of a lot more damage if he hadn’t caught it. That thing was going like sixty clicks.”

She finally turns to look at me and shakes her head quickly.

“No…yeah, um…okay,” she says rambling and incoherent.

Maybe she did actually die for a moment.

A rare moment of concern for her strikes and I move a step closer. I peer into her eyes for any sign of concussion. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Fine,” she says brusquely. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” she asks, and my spidey senses tell me this won’t be the last of her I see today.


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