Top Seven Things To See In Ancient India In The Raag of Rta: A Bard’s Account

Guest post written by Dance of Shadows author Gourav Mohanty
Gourav Mohanty was born, and currently lives, in Bhubaneswar, the City of Temples. A lawyer by day and comedian by night, he somehow gets the chance to write in his spare time.

About Dance of Shadows: In his dark re-imagining of ancient India, Mohanty dangles a vibrant cast of dubious heroes from the threads of fate: ancient foes awake, bitter enemies reconcile, old friends swear to destroy each other.

Welcome to Aryavrat. Here, myths bleed into the mortar of cities, and every shadow whispers of wondrous beauties. What would you like to do? Are we thinking along the lines of mystical sites, cultural experiences, legendary battles, or perhaps hidden gems only known to the locals? Overwhelmed? Fear not! Let this bard be your guide:

1. Attend The Green Carpet Event of Aryavrat

If you are into celebrity watching, what better place to go other than the Conclave of Monarchs in the Tree Cities of the East? Here, sky-high everwoods cradle a civilization as ancient as the soil itself. So, walk on woven vines, drink humming bee’s wines, don’t fear the Rakshas who rule these cities, just have a good time. But do mind the rains. After all the East is the wettest place in the world.

2. Sail the Pirate Ships of Kalinga

If you have however stolen some precious artefacts and need to smuggle them out, look out for Captain Mati. She will help you chart your way out of the treacherous waters of the Kalingan Sea. She is not just a mere marauder but a mistress of the sea. Her ship’s sails shimmer with spells of stealth, and the decks are alive with the spirits of the ocean. Join them, if only for a day, and dive into the depths of ancient underwater cities, barter secrets with sirens, and dodge leviathans. Don’t forget your tan cream and seasick tablets.

3. Witness the Divine Dances and Deadly Damsels in Malengar

Step into a local temple and let yourself be whisked away by the intoxicating scents of jasmine and sandalwood, setting the stage for Marzana the Devadasi’s dance performance that’s part spiritual journey, part Technicolor dream. Watch as divinity cascades into the earthly realm, each twirl and stamp of Marzana weaving a vibrant tapestry of color and emotion. The music? Oh, it’s nothing short of a live symphony of sitars, flutes, and tablas that might just make your soul stand up and applaud.

But keep your wits about you. This is not just a feast for the senses but a test for the sharpness of your mind. For mingling among the crowd, with beauty as arresting as the dawn but as dangerous as the deadliest nightshade, could be a Vishkanya, assassins weaned on poison who even Alexander the Great was warned about. Her allure is legendary, her charm lethal, literally. So, enjoy the spectacle, but maybe don’t accept a drink from a striking stranger.

4. Cheer at an Archery Contest in Hastinapur

Tired of sword duels? Well, you are in the right place. No visit to Ancient India would be complete without witnessing the legendary archery contests. Watch as dashing archers, Karna and Arjun, their eyes sharp as their arrows, compete for glory under the watchful gaze of the gods. Whether it’s a royal tournament or a village festivity, the clash of bowstrings is a music you’ll want to savor. But be warned, innocent bystanders have been known to be casualties before. So mind your helmets!

5. Attend a Swayamvar of the Panchalan Princess (if you dare)!

You came to Ancient India and did not attend a wedding? That would be a blasphemy. Make sure you attend the swayamvar of the Panchalan Princess, Draupadi. What is a swayamvar you ask? Well, it is the ancient dating show where the stakes are as high as the palace walls. Here, princesses peruse a lineup of eager suitors, each demonstrating their prowess in feats of strength, wit, and the occasional juggling act. It’s the original battle for a rose, where rejection could mean more than a broken heart or a duel at dawn.

6. Place a bet in the Gladiator Arena of the Magadhan Empire

Did you enjoy the Russell Crowe movie a lot more than the Denzel Washington version? Me too! Feel free then to dip your toes into the sands of Virangavat: the gladiator arena of the Magadhan Empire. Place your bets on Shishupal, Eklavvya, or Dantavakra. Enjoy your sherbets in the stands, and tighten those ear muffs for the roar of the crowds makes thunder look tame.

7. Gawk at the Three Sisters of Mathura

Stare at the architectural wonder of the Three Walls of Mathura which have still not been brought down by the Emperor despite a decade long war. For these aren’t your average city walls. They are layered with spells as strong as their stones, rumored to be crafted by celestial architects during an insomniac moon. Or at least that is what Krishna the Puppeteer of Realms and de facto leader of Mathura says about them.

In the end, whatever (or whoever) you decide to choose, just prepare your soul for a journey through the dark lanes of a land where every sunset could be your last, and every encounter a dance with shadows.

Safe travels, dear reader.

Gourav Mohanty

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