Q&A: Erin Hahn, Author of ‘Catch and Keep’

We chat with author Erin Hahn about Catch and Keep, which is a cosy, swoony romance and follows Maren Laughlin who has been fishing her whole life, but she’s finally ready to be caught.

Hi, Erin! Welcome back! How have the past three years been since we last spoke?

To be honest, a little nuts, but I’m so happy to be here with you, chatting about this book!

Your latest novel, Catch and Keep, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Cozy, easy, sexy, charming and autumnal.

What can readers expect?

A warm and fuzzy, up north, lakefront setting, real characters with real problems who fall really in love and a bit of tropey goodness, including one of my favorites: falling for your big brother’s best friend!

Where did the inspiration for Catch and Keep come from?

Every summer since I met my husband, I’ve travelled with his family to a lakefront resort in Northern Wisconsin. And every year, I think “this would make a fantastic setting for a romance novel.” I’ve known all along, Maren, the heroine of Catch and Keep, would find her love story in the great outdoors. It’s just who she is and what she’s always been about.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I really enjoy writing kids… Joe, the male lead, is a single father and it’s the first time I got to explore the parenting dynamic in one of my stories. I also had a blast writing all the scenes that included the couples from the previous standalone books in the series, most especially the three guys. There is a moment when Cameron Riggs (Built to Last) and Craig Boseman (Friends Don’t Fall in Love) have a funny heart to heart with Joe, welcoming him into the fold, that I adored writing.

Did you face any challenges whilst writing?

Not this time! This book was almost too easy to write, maybe because it was so close to my heart. I was second guessing myself at every step in the process because it felt like it was going too smoothly. So maybe that was the challenge? A bit of reverse psychology from the literary gods.

Your last few published novels have been romances. Did you envision stepping into adult romances? When did you find you were being drawn to the genre?

No! I never in a million years thought I would ever write adult romance. I’ve always loved reading them, but constructing them, including the spicier scenes, felt way above my skill level. I met my husband while we were still teens and YA romance has always been relatable to me for that reason. But I’ve lived just as long as an adult as not, at this point, and it was time my love stories reflected that. Its been a wild ride bringing these grown up characters with their grown up insecurities and careers and personalities to life!

What’s next for you?

I don’t know! I’ve released seven books in six years and think its time to recharge the creative battery for a while. There are some genres, like fantasy, thrillers and historicals that I’ve been curious to try writing, and I hope to give them a shot before long. However, I think for now I just want to absorb the world around me for a little bit and see what stirs my soul.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

I’ve been reading a lot of darker stories this year. I’m pretty obsessed with Brynne Weaver’s Butcher and Blackbird and Leather and Lark. The combination of serial killers and romance is bananas in the best way. I also really enjoyed Avenging Angel by Kristen Ashley. I love all her books, but this “second generation” story really appealed to me. The character growth was *chef kiss*.

On my tbr, I have a a super special sneak peek at Joy Callaway’s Sing Me Home to Carolina on my ereader and I cannot wait to start it. I believe it releases spring of 2025!

Will you be picking up Catch and Keep? Tell us in the comments below!


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