Q&A: Camilla Raines, Author of ‘The Hollow and the Haunted’

We chat with author Camilla Raines about The Hollow and the Haunted, which is a darkly magical fantasy debut set in Washington State where a closeted teenage psychic foresees the death of his sworn enemy, and is forced to work with him to save his life. Sparks fly, but some ghosts don’t want to stay buried…

Hi, Camilla! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi there! I’m Camilla, and I write queer young adult fantasy books that I wish I’d had as a kid. I live in the cutest tiny house on wheels in Washington with my two cats, within walking distance of several of my favorite coffee shops. When I’m not writing, you can find me watching horror movies, reading everything I can get my hands on, and playing cozy games.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I don’t think there was ever a time when I wasn’t going to my local library, getting in trouble for reading during class, or begging my dad to build me more bookshelves for my room. I lived and breathed books, and some of my earliest memories are of going into the forest of my childhood home and scribbling down stories about the fairies who lived there. In seventh grade, I was so certain I wanted to be an author that I did an entire career project on it, despite being told to pick a “real” profession. I still have the letters from authors I reached out to interview!

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne were definitely some of the first, but I also have to shout out Goosebumps by R.L. Stine–my childhood bookshelf was packed with every copy I could find.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: That’s a tough one since I’ve wanted to be an author for so long, but probably The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black. I fell in love with them as a kid and can still vividly remember thinking that I wanted to write books with the same magical feeling.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: I recently read Old Wounds by Logan-Ashley Kisner and haven’t stopped thinking about it since!

Your debut novel, The Hollow and the Haunted, is out October 22nd! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Spooky, romantic, heartfelt, atmospheric, magical.

What can readers expect?

At its core, my book is about two lonely queer disaster teens coming together to try and change their fates, finding strength in each other and themselves. It’s a story about family love and trauma, literal and metaphorical ghosts, and being brave enough to make your own future. Plus, a healthy dose of banter and bickering, spooky estate exploring, hungry magic, a strange cat, and graveyard kisses.

Where did the inspiration for The Hollow and the Haunted come from?

To be completely honest, I started writing it a few years ago while going through some massive and scary life changes. I was essentially saying goodbye to my entire future that I’d planned out and diving into the unknown. Working on this story of two boys finding the courage to rewrite their fates was so cathartic to me and made me appreciate the possibilities of a new start. And Miles, my main character, was born out of my own struggles with anxiety and being told my empathy was a weakness. I wanted a character with those traits who was strong because of them.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

Charlee, Miles’s cousin and best friend, was an unexpected favorite of mine to write. Her voice always came easily to me, and exploring a character struggling with so much anger and grief was challenging in the best way. Having her and Gabriel be so similar–prickly, snarky, and defensive–but so different because of the people in their lives, made their scenes together especially compelling to write.

I also adored writing any spooky moments! It can get frustrating when you run out of ways to describe darkness and shadows, and have to remember your characters can’t see something unless they point their flashlight at it, but the thrill and tension of these scenes really pull me in.

This is your debut published novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

It’s cliche to say, but it was one big rollercoaster of ups and downs. For a long time, I’d given up on my dream of being published, and once I finally decided to go for it, I threw myself into writing and querying with no backup plan. I’m really fortunate to have an amazing support system of friends and family who helped me stick through a grueling year of querying, and without them, I wouldn’t have made it long enough to get an agent and a book deal.

Since selling my book, I’ve felt unbelievably lucky. I’m currently working with an amazing team who believe in me and my story, I’m learning so much about the craft and revising, and very soon, my book is going to be on shelves. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently working on book 2 of The Hollow and the Haunted duology! Wrapping up this story is bittersweet, but I’m also so excited to dive into my next project (or two). I see lots more queer young adult fantasy in my future.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

I never have as much time to read as I’d like, but a few of my favorites so far this year are My Throat an Open Grave by Tori Bovalino, Dead Things are Closer than They Appear by Robin Wasley, and Such Lovely Skin by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne. Some I can’t wait to get my hands on are Oathbound by Tracy Deonn, Bury Our Bones in the Midnight Soil by V.E. Schwab, and What the Woods Took by Courtney Gould.

Will you be picking up The Hollow and the Haunted? Tell us in the comments below!


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