Q&A: Maxie Dara, Author of ‘A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer’

We chat with author Maxie Dara about A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer, which follows a modern-day grim reaper as she races to solve the murder of one of her clients.

Hi, Maxie! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hey, thanks so much for chatting with me! And absolutely! I’m a small-town girl (midnight train sold separately) from Ontario, Canada, where I spend my free time exploring nature and trying to befriend the local raccoon population. When not writing, I also act in theatre and film and dabble in screenwriting. I have an unhealthy obsession with the country of Scotland, at least one bruise on my legs at all times, and will try to cuddle any animal who will let me.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I first knew I wanted to be a writer when I was seven and have been too stubborn to change my mind since. To be honest, I don’t know that I had much choice in the matter when it comes to my love of storytelling. My mom and dad read to me from the time I was in the womb all the way until I was old enough to snuggle under the covers and read to myself. Which I did, rather voraciously. At seven I came up with a story about a personified baby tooth who was afraid to fall out and grow into an adult tooth, and that was enough to get me hooked on writing for life. I actually still have that short story, which I hang onto as a reminder of where this all began.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: The first book I remember reading to myself is probably The Phantom Tollbooth, but the first book I remember having read to me has to be something by Robert Munsch, who was a favourite in my household. Very likely The Paper Bag Princess, though we burned through them all.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: I remember reading books by Jean Little and thinking ‘I want to do this.’ Now, if you’ve ever read Jean Little as well as my own work you’d know that I did not do this. Her work is often heart-breaking and my obsession with it as a kid doesn’t quite jive with my lighthearted writing style. But Little could tell a story that makes you feel, and that’s exactly what I wanted to do.
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: The Dodecahedron by Paul Glennon. I had to read this in university and the story structure had me in awe throughout, to the point where I forgot it was a reading assignment.

Your debut novel, A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Whimsical, comedic, heartfelt, messy, cozy!

What can readers expect?

A mystery surrounded by a whole lot of heart. Themes of found family, second-chance love, and overcoming insecurities. And hopefully a lot of laughs along the way!

Where did the inspiration for A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer come from?

I’ve always had a weird relationship with the subject of death. And I mean, hey, who doesn’t? But the usual fear and morbid fascination most people experience was exacerbated for me by my mom’s job as a Death Doula (basically a midwife for those at the end of their lives). I think being that close to the topic forced me to come face-to-face with my fears, and the only way I know how to do that is through humour. So, I created a goofy world where I could answer unknowable questions—what happens when we die? Is there meaning to any of this? And why are so many famous ghosts Victorian?—in a way that made the subject feel more absurd than scary.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

Characters are always my main focus when I’m writing, and while I really enjoyed getting to know each of them and their relationships with each other, I especially loved the moments between Kathy and Conner. While there is a romantic love story at play with Kathy and her ex-husband Simon, the found-family bond between the grim reaper and the lost soul will always hold a special place in my heart, if only because of how much their dynamic impacted their character growth. It’s a love story in its own right, but celebrating a platonic relationship rather than a romantic one.

This is your debut published novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

Definitely a winding one! I started a bunch of novels as a teenager but never really saw them through. It wasn’t until my early twenties that I completed my first manuscript and tried to find rep for it, to no avail. I did the same with my second novel a few years later with the same outcome. When I started shopping Grim Reaper’s Guide around, I wasn’t convinced anything would change, but this time I also submitted to an open call from Berkley as well as querying agents, and in what I still consider a miracle, my now-editor Tracy Bernstein reached out requesting the full manuscript. Before I knew it I was looking for a time machine so I could go back and tell my seven-year-old self that all that dreaming came true in the end.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently cooking up a second book in the S.C.Y.T.H.E. Mystery series, which should hopefully be on the shelves next autumn. I’m also simultaneously filming my first independent feature film which I’ve co-written with one of my best friends and have high-bordering-on-delusional hopes for. Suffice it to say I feel like the luckiest girl in the world these days.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

My current obsession is A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong. I’m just about to dive into the sequel and cannot wait to return to Victorian Edinburgh alongside time-travelling modern detective Mallory. Once I’ve devoured that, I’m itching to get my hands on The House by the Cemetery by Lisa Childs. It is spooky season, after all!

Will you be picking up A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer? Tell us in the comments below!


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