Q&A: Tomi Oyemakinde, Author of ‘We Are Hunted’

We chat with author Tomi Oyemakinde about We Are Hunted, which sees a boy’s luxurious family vacation quickly becomes a gory nightmare with a high death count—think White Lotus meets Jurassic Park!

Hi, Tomi! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi! Thanks for having me. I’m a British-Nigerian author. I’ve always loved stories—especially ones that dig into what drives people and how we deal with danger, fear, and transformation. Writing thrillers and suspense is my way of exploring those themes, especially from a young adult perspective, where everything feels heightened and intense.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I think I’ve always been a reader. My mum made sure of that. Growing up, I was that kid who’d daydream for hours, conjuring up different scenarios in my head. Used to lie lots too (that is its own story).  It was the idea that stories could both thrill and comfort, that they could provoke thought while entertaining—that really hooked me. But it wasn’t until after university, when I began to think about writing.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: Imperial Spy by Mark Robson
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Children of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Middlegame by Seanan Mcguire

Your latest novel, We Are Hunted, is out September 17th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Great question. I’d say Secrets, danger, survival, betrayal, power.

What can readers expect?

They can expect a fast-paced, tension-filled ride! We Are Hunted dives deep into the darker side of ambition and the lengths people will go for justice. Readers will find twists, turns, and hopefully, some unexpected revelations that keep them hooked until the very last page!

Where did the inspiration for We Are Hunted come from?

The inspiration came from a few places—primarily my relationship with my brother. When we were younger we didn’t get on. And I wondered about a world in which that had carried on into adolescence. From there I thought about what speculative aspect would test such a relationship but also give it a chance to heal. I love Jurassic Park and movies like Train to Busan which explore the idea of a tight-knit group thrown into a dangerous situation and how that pressure changes their dynamics. It’s not just about external threats; it’s about the monsters that live within us, and how, when pushed to the brink, we have to face them!

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

Funnily enough, I loved writing the character interactions between Femi and his crush. I tend to focus so much on the action and suspense in my novels. It was a nice change of pace to give that room to breathe. One day I’d love to write more of a romance!

Why YA thrillers?

I think YA is such an exciting genre to work in because the stakes feel incredibly high at that age. The intensity of emotions, relationships, and decisions in YA makes for perfect thriller material. It’s also a time of self-discovery, where both the readers and the characters are figuring out who they are and how far they’re willing to go for what they want. It’s beautiful to write for the next generation up!

What’s next for you?

I’m currently working on a couple of different projects, not all within the realm of thrillers. I’m drawn to exploring new kinds of suspense—perhaps with even more supernatural or speculative elements. A teaser of one I’m excited about is around the many world’s theory, and what would happen if you got to make a which unaware it would have dire, and unintended consequences! Think ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ meets ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

So I tend to always be behind. This year I have enjoyed

Ones I am looking forward to reading this year are:

Will you be picking up We Are Hunted? Tell us in the comments below!


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