Q&A: Tillie Cole, Author of ‘A Thousand Broken Pieces’

We chat with author Tillie Cole about A Thousand Broken Pieces, which is a beautiful and life-affirming novel about grief, love and friendship.

Hi, Tillie! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Absolutely! I was born and raised in the North-East of England. I have an English mother and a Scottish father (you can imagine the fireworks whenever the two countries played one another at any sport!). I grew up with an array of horses and animals, and after ten years of living here there and everywhere, have returned home to my small hometown. I have been with my husband since we were teenagers and we now have two beautiful children, a dog and a cat. I’m loud and brash, but a big old softy underneath! I love people and stories and live for life’s happily ever afters.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I have always been an avid reader. My dad introduced me to Tolkien at a very young age and I never looked back. Lord of the Rings will always be my ultimate favourite book series, along with anything Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte.

They were my real inspo for what is now my career. There has been an abundance of others too, but they were the first and most important to me.

Growing up, I read everything I could get my hands on, but romance books truly had my heart. While awaiting my spousal visa in Canada (we moved there for my husband’s work), I suddenly had free time for the first time in forever. I was a High School teacher but had to wait for my visa to work. So, I decided to give writing a go! I had never written before, and just thought I’d give it a whirl—best spontaneous thing I’ve ever done!

I don’t know why, but stories just appear to me. As a writer, this is a blessing and a curse. Blessing as I have so many stories I want to tell. Curse because I never get enough time to write them all!

I have always loved books that make me think, swoon and smile. I adore emotional reads too. I think you can see that in my books.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: The Hobbit, with my dad.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Pride and Prejudice
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: Anything from Sarah J Maas! Her stories live rent free in my mind.

Your latest novel, A Thousand Broken Pieces, is out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Emotional, healing, thoughtful, life-affirming, hopeful.

What can readers expect?

Where A Thousand Boy Kisses broke people apart, my wish for A Thousand Broken Pieces is that it slowly puts you back together. I want it to really inspire people to live the best lives they can, and do so in honour of anyone that they have lost.

Where did the inspiration for A Thousand Broken Pieces come from?

Sadly, two years ago I lost my dad. Grief, like I hadn’t felt before, really took me down. It took me a long time to find any light again. When I did, I knew I wanted to put those feeling into a book. A Thousand Broken Pieces ended up being that novel. It’s truly for anyone who has ever loved and lost.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

In the novel, the characters take a journey of healing around the world. To five countries. I think my favourite parts were arriving at each new country and getting to describe their cultures and beliefs. As an ex-Religious Studies teacher, that really called to my interests. Beside Savannah and Cael, the character of Dylan became a treasured side character for me. I love his story arc.

The first installment A Thousand Boy Kisses released eight years ago. Why did you decide to revisit it now?

Life happened and I experienced grief on an unprecedented scale. I finally had a book I felt worthy of that world again. So I told my own story through the character of Savannah.

What’s the best and worst writing advice you’ve received?

Best is write for yourself. Write what’s in your heart. Worst is write for the current market and trends. My heart won’t let me do that!

What’s next for you?

I have several projects lined up. I am about to jump into my next young adult tearjerker. Bloody heck, this one is rough! Beautiful and inspiring, but it’s most definitely a tearjerker!

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

I have found an author whose books I’ve devoured called Tal Bauer. Beautiful books. The Park Avenue Prince series by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine. And I adored The Graham Effect by Elle Kennedy and Bride by Ali Hazelwood. I have read so many recs, I could go on forever! I’m still a huge reader, so am always finding new treasured stories.

 Will you be picking up A Thousand Broken Pieces? Tell us in the comments below!


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