Q&A: Rose Prendeville, Author of ‘Maggie and the Pirate’s Son’

We chat with author Rose Prendeville about Maggie and the Pirate’s Son, along with writing, book recommendations, and more!

Hi, Rose! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

I grew up in a very book-forward family. My grandfather was a professor, my aunt was a librarian, and my parents read to my sister and me every night, so our childhood was a veritable feast of stories. As I got older, I also became deeply fascinated with science and astronomy. I wanted to be an astronaut—to solve the story of the universe. My scoliosis made that unlikely, so I poured all of my energy into writing, but you’ll notice that in my books as in life, the stars are never very far away.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I was always writing little stories and plays, but I think the first time I realized my writing could have an effect on people was in eighth grade. I wrote a story in school and a classmate loved it so much she asked me to sign a copy. After that I was absolutely hooked.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

  • The first book you ever remember reading: I have a very vivid memory of reading a book of nursery rhymes to my puppy.
  • The one that made you want to become an author: Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
  • The one that you can’t stop thinking about: The Spare by Miranda Dubner

Maggie and the Pirates Son is the third installment in your Brides of Chattan series and it’s out now! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

It’s Bridgerton meets Black Sails.

What can readers expect?

An adventurous and headstrong heroine. A swoony pirate navigator. Mystery, intrigue, and danger on the high seas. Found family, a relentless naval captain, and the pursuit of long lost treasure. Only one hammock—hijinks ensue. Alone in the crow’s nest?—hijinks ensue. There might be no tomorrow… Hijinks ensue.

Where did the inspiration for Maggie and the Pirates Son come from?

Unusually, the inspiration came from the title! When I was thinking of titles for the first two books, Maggie and the Pirate’s Son popped into my head and never let me go. When it came time to finally write the book, I had no idea what it was about, but it was time to either change the title or commit to a pirate story. No choice, really, I jumped into the pirate story without a life preserver and loved every second.

Have you always had an interest in historical romance?

Absolutely. Gilbert Blythe was my first love. I grew up reading all kinds of books but I was always drawn towards historical—Little House, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Caddie Woodlawn—and later, to writers like Dickens and Austen, before I started reading modern-day historical romance. These days it remains very much my cozy place.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

I adored writing Bash, and after two books as a secondary character, a grown-up Maggie. My favorite moment was a particular scene where she provides him medical attention. I really wanted it to be historically plausible, and a very kind pair of plastic surgeons took the time to advise me on the details, which I think just made it so much better.

What’s next for you?

My educational background is in screenwriting, so I’m exploring adaptation of the Brides of Chattan trilogy, and I’ve finished an early draft of the first book in a new contemporary series.

Lastly, what books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you can’t wait to get your hands on?

I have loved so many books this year! Some of my favorite historicals were The Love Remedy by Elizabeth Everett, To Woo and To Wed by Martha Waters, and A Shore Thing by Joanna Lowell. My favorite contemporaries were When Grumpy Met Sunshine by Charlotte Stein, The [Fake] Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky, and Degrees of Engagement by Jennifer Hennessy.

I’m most excited to get my hands on Anna Begins by debut author Angi N. Black, and also A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping by Sangu Mandanna. I read the Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches last year and it was absolute perfection.

Will you be picking up Maggie and the Pirate’s Son? Tell us in the comments below!


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