This week’s episode of Once Upon a Time, gave us an emotional happy ending for Belle, Rumple and Gideon. Be warned though, this episode was incredibly emotional so tissues will be very much-needed.

The episode begins in Storybrooke with Belle and Rumple with Gideon turning one. Rumple gives Belle a book to document their travels and promises they’ll see the world. It then switches back to Seattle where Weaver is with Tilly and she’s wearing a rabbit mask since it’s Halloween (yay for a Halloween episode!). At Victoria’s business, Jacinda brings Lucy her costume, but Ivy calls security as there’s “a trash problem upstairs”.
Tilly is hiding out in Victoria’s car and surprises her announcing she knows none of them belong in Hyperion Heights and also knows Victoria does too. Victoria then pepper sprays her and calls Weaver to show him the pills she found inside Tilly’s backpack. These pills keep Tilly sane and she’s demanding that he makes her take them because if he doesn’t, he’ll pay.
At Roni’s, she’s trying to pull Henry out of his bad mood after seeing his wife and daughter’s graves and tells him to go after Jacinda. Rogers and Weaver are trying to handle the Tilly situation, but they disagree prompting Weaver to inform Rogers that he doesn’t care about anyone.
We then see Rumple and Belle growing old with Rumple deciding he’s tired of his magic life and all its potential evil. He then throws his dagger into the river, but it reappears in his boot.
Back in Hyperion Heights, Ivy has been tasked with taking Lucy trick-or-treating, except Ivy isn’t interested. Lucy escapes the situation by trading places with another girl and runs away from her. Meanwhile, Weaver runs into Tilly and questions her about the pills, but she says she’s too close to start taking them again. He asks her to explain and she says they’re all pieces of the same puzzle, but they’re all wearing masks. Weaver asks her to tell him what she knows, but she’d rather show him.
Belle and Rumple are now older with Gideon a grown boy accepted into an academy. Rumple and Belle talk further about the dagger, and Belle thinks she’s made progress. It’s a riddle, but Rumple knows to go to the Edge of Realms.

The pair make it to the Edge of Realms, but decide they won’t dispose of the dagger. She wants something simpler and they build a new house, which seems to be a total homage to Up and this made me very worried. Gideon sets off on his own whilst his parents spend their time dancing when the song changes to Beauty and the Beast treating us to a nice little montage of their life. Then finally, Belle’s time in the world comes to an end when she opens up the curtains one last time and falls to the ground, mimicking a previous scene in their life together back in the Enchanted Forest. By this point, any Once or Rumbelle fan would be in tears.
In Hyperion Heights, Jacinda is working when Henry stops by followed by Ivy saying she lost Lucy. Jacinda is unable to leave, so Henry joins Ivy to find Lucy. Meanwhile, Tilly takes Weaver to see “the answer” at the train tracks, but on their way there, Weaver slips one of her pills into a sandwich. Tilly is devastated as the pills make her foggy and argues Weaver could be a good man, but he says he doesn’t think she’s right before Tilly bails out of the moving car. Weaver runs to catch up to her and she reveals what she has, and it’s Chip, the teacup.
Lucy has still not be found when Ivy tears up because she doesn’t have anyone. She takes care of Victoria’s life because she’s been on the wrong side of that wrath too. Henry explains he’s in the same situation too, and they work together to figure out where Lucy would most likely be.
Back in the past, Belle is on the edge of death when Rumple says he can bring her back and make her young again, but they moved here to find the brightest setting sun, and it was never the sun in the sky. It was Belle. Rumple has to believe their love is strong enough to supersede death as Belle has known all along, but kept to herself. She asks him to let her go, but not before she tells him the story of their love. She insists he can get rid of the dagger, and when he does, he will find her way back to her. And with that, Belle dies.
Meanwhile, Weaver says he can’t remember and Tilly grabs his gun and aims it at him. He asks why she’s doing it, and she says, “Because you told me, Rumpelstiltskin!” and shoots him. As Chip drops and smashes on the floor, Rumple bleeds.
We return to Gideon who has come to say goodbye to Belle. As they stand over her grave, Gideon offers to take the dagger, but Rumple refuses. There’s a guardian who will take the dagger from him and he runs into Alice when he steps into another Realm, but that story isn’t told to us right then.
Weaver is now in hospital, and almost meets Belle in the afterlife, but comes to and tells Rogers to let Tilly go. He’s defensive about caring for her, but he needs her to take him back to Belle. Rogers goes to tell Tilly and sits down to play a game of chess, which is the moment where we all started a theory that she is his daughter.
Ivy finds Lucy and they return her to Jacinda with Ivy telling them to go trick-or-treating (there may be hope for Ivy yet) and they invite Henry. Victoria shows up to talk to Weaver and threatens him, but he isn’t worried. We no longer have to call him Weaver because he knows who he is as he calls Victoria, “dearie” (Rumple’s back!).
As the night ends, Ivy and Henry end up at Roni’s having a drink together. He didn’t go out with Jacinda and Ivy keeps strong eye contact with Henry (oh Ivy, don’t you go seducing poor Henry!).
Overall Thoughts?
This episode was an intense emotional ride from start to finish. Between seeing how everything played out with Rumple and Belle and seeing everything in Seattle, this episode was a rollercoaster of emotions and I sure needed those damn tissues.
What did you think of ‘Beauty’? Did you like how they ended Rumple and Belle’s story? Sound off in the comments below!
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