10 Reasons Why You Should Become A Book Fairy

What is a Book Fairy? Well, according to “The Book Fairies” website, a Book Fairy is someone who wants a fun way to pass on the great books they’ve read to the next person; they do this by popping an official Book Fairy sticker on their gently used book (and perhaps even a ribbon) and hiding it in public for the next reader to find! I became a Book Fairy in February 2020 and I love it! So, I decided to share my top 10 reasons why you should become a Book Fairy too…

1. Book Fairies exist all over the world.

2. It’s easy to become a Book Fairy; all you need to do is purchase some official Book Fairy stickers from their online store (available in a variety of different languages) and then you are ready to start hiding some books (just remember to post your book drops on social media and tag @BookFairiesWorldwide).

3. All the Book Fairy products available on their online store have free shipping worldwide.

4. Being a Book Fairy is a great way to learn about (and maybe even find) new books to read (the locations of all the Book Fairy book drops are shared on @BookFairiesWorldwide Instagram).

5. It’s also a great way to clear off your bookshelf by sharing your gently used books with fellow readers.

6. The official Book Fairy accounts on social media do LOTS of giveaways! For example, @BookFairies_Toronto on Instagram did daily pride-themed book giveaways in June to celebrate pride month in Canada.

7. The Book Fairies hold some cool bookish events; for example, in August, the official Book Fairy Instagram accounts held a book treasure hunt and in October, Book Fairies around the world hid 1500 copies of The Secret Garden in order to promote the new movie adaptation (all of the copies had a note from actress Dixie Egerickx and some of the copies were even signed by actor Colin Firth!)

8. Actress Emma Watson is a Book Fairy! Emma Watson helped the Book Fairies in the UK hide copies of Little Women in order to promote the 2019 movie adaptation.

9. The Book Fairies promote eco-friendly habits and products; for “plastic free July”, the Book Fairies posted daily tips for living a more eco-conscious lifestyle and the Book Fairies’ monthly book box subscription always includes an eco-conscious item.

10. Lastly, @BookFairiesWorldwide on Instagram hosts monthly book swaps where you can offer to send a book to a fellow bookworm, or you can request that a Book Fairy send you a book!

Are you a Book Fairy? Or will you become one? Tell us in the comments below!


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