Q&A: Melissa de la Cruz, Author of ‘The Queen’s Assassin’

Melissa de la Cruz Author Interview
Author Image Credit: Maria Cina

I’m just going to say that The Nerd Daily made my dreams come true this year, and it’s only the star of February! I’ve been reading Melissa de la Cruz’s work since I was in high school, beginning with the Blue Bloods series. Since then the number of books she’s written has grown, and I have delighted in seeing her books on the shelves. Her latest book, The Queen’s Assassin, centers around the highest-ranking assassin of the queen and his apprentice, moving toward uncovering secrets of the kingdom that could be their downfall. It’s got action, romance, and adventure packed in there so be sure to pick this title up!

Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and how The Queen’s Assassin came to be?

I’ve written over 50 books for readers of all ages, from middle grade to YA to women’s fiction. I’ve also edited a few non-ficiton anthologies and written some how-to books. The Queen’s Assassin came to me in a dream. I knew he was a dangerous assassin and that she was the girl he loved, and they were hiding from someone. They intrigued me, so I started writing about them.

Which character did you gravitate to the most when you started writing: Shadow or Cal?

Probably Shadow, I had a very strong sense of her – this kind of headstrong almost tomboyish girl. But I love Cal too, this broody, trapped, very scary but very kind boy.

You’ve written books for adults, children, and teens. Is there an audience that is easier or harder to write for when you’re creating new stories?

I just don’t think in ways of “easy” or “not easy” mostly I just get interested in something and then try to see if I can sell it, if it’s something that’s publishable. I can have ideas for years that are just in the back of my brain and then FINALLY I’ll start to put it on paper. I will say YA epic fantasy is the hardest. Every time I write an epic fantasy book I swear I’ll never do it again. I think I like urban fantasy—I find it easier when stories are grounded in our world a little.

When you start a new story, what is your workspace like? What did you do to prepare for writing The Queen’s Assassin?

I have a very fabulous writing office now that was designed by an interior designer. Of course you cannot see the black marble because it is literally covered in paper. Manuscripts, invitations, bills, books, screenplays. I find a small wedge to work in front of my keyboard. I can write anywhere. I have written in hospital rooms, other people’s computers, etc.

I would love to know a little more about the magic system in The Queen’s Assassin. Could you tell us a little about the magic that exists in this world?

In this world, they were ruled by a magical family thousands of years ago, when a mage married a queen. But then an evil ruler came and harbored all the magic for himself and his faction. Only a guild made up mainly of women practicing magic in the home were able to practice magic outside of the evil monks. There are shapeshifters and visions and lots of fun powers.

Along with all the audiences you write for, you also write in such diverse genres! Which has been your favorite to write in?

Right now I am really enjoying the re-telling of fairytales genre. From Descendants to my new project, I feel like that is my sweet spot right now.

Cal and Shadow aren’t really given a lot of time to relax in the book. What is something that they might do to relax on their own?

I think just the time to be together, in front of a fire, with a good meal, they would enjoy that.

What is something that you’ve learned in your career as a writer and in publishing books?

You are not your books. Your self-worth is not determined by the marketplace. That I am worthy because I am a great wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, colleague. My work does not define me in failure or success. You can’t spell awesome without Me-eeeh-eehhh!…. I really am into this Taylor Swift song right now, my 13-year-old cool kid is horrified.

What’s next for you in your writing journey? Will we be seeing Shadow and Cal again soon perhaps?

Yes! Working on the sequel, The Queen’s Secret, now.

Do you have any reading recommendations you’d like to share with our readers?

I just read My Sister, The Serial Killer, which was a really fun, interesting read. It was fun to read about a different culture and city, but see how much we also had in common: selfies and social media.

You can find Melissa on Twitter and Instagram.

Will you be picking up The Queen’s Assassin? Tell us in the comments below!

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