Q&A: Mae Bennett, Author of ‘Barely Even Friends’

We chat with debut author Mae Bennett about Barely Even Friends, which follows a grumpy, rich recluse meeting his match in this steamy Beauty and the Beast retelling—with a Succession twist.

Hi, Mae! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

I’m a romance author who loves to read romance in her free time. Some random facts about me are

  • I love to eat gummy worms when I’m drafting
  • I hate soda
  • I would rather rewatch a favorite movie or show than try something new
  • I’m not a big fan of flying but I love to travel

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I’m lucky enough to have always been a lifelong reader. I was always encouraged to read growing up and always found them to be my safe space. I was the kid who enjoyed reading the most books in the summer library challenge or going to the bookstore as a reward for good grades. Books, especially romance books have always been an escape for me, something that has brought me so much joy and connection with people. My mom really fostered my love of reading. One of my core memories is building the bookshelves for my bedroom growing up with her, and how she was always reading, harlequins, and taking us to the library. Romance and reading were always encouraged not shamed in my house.

But I didn’t discover my love of writing until after I finished school, it took me a long time to admit that what I was doing on my computer was really writing. When I was a kid I would start writing something but I never finished something until I was an adult. It was such a joy to realize that writing brought me that same feeling of escape and to create my own stories. It’s still a pinch me moment.

Quick lightning round! Tell us:

Your debut novel, Barely Even Friends, is out June 4th! If you could only describe it in five words, what would they be?

Bonkers, horny, stubborn, home, and smiles


Swoony tale of finding home

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect easter eggs of a beloved tale – A modern and horny Beauty and the Beast retelling featuring a plus-size main character and a grumpy recluse. Two very stubborn people who are stuck being roommates together and reluctantly agree to help each other restore a crumbling mansion on an impossible deadline, with a dash of meddlesome side characters, Taylor Swift references, and an incredible library. Sparks fly and it’s not the faulty wiring.

Where did the inspiration for Barely Even Friends come from?

I grew up loving fairy tales and escapist stories and wanted to write one of my own that featured a plus-size main character. The type of story I needed. My hope was to feature a driven, ambitious woman not looking for it but finding the love she deserves. I’ve found so much inspiration and joy, and so much of myself in reading other plus-size romances it inspired me to write one of my own.

Were there any moments or characters you really enjoyed writing or exploring?

This was a book that was a pure joy to write. While there is a lot of emotion in the book, there’s also a lot of comedy. I adore writing dialogue and the banter between my main characters Bellamy and Oliver was a lot of fun to figure out that push and pull, pacing it out, trying not to scream at them myself to just kiss already. There’s a specific character that was incredibly fun to write but I don’t want to give any spoilers, but the one-liners were incredible.

Oliver’s journey overall of shifting from grumpy recluse to man-obsessed was difficult to write because of his past and his reckoning with it, but also incredibly fun. He and Bellamy are both awkward and not perfect as they bumble through falling in love, so writing those scenes of them bumping heads, stubborn and awkward were some of my favorites.

This is your debut published novel! What was the road to becoming a published author like for you?

I definitely do not have a Cinderella story. Barely Even Friends was written while I was querying another book, and was also rewritten a few times with the help of friends and the Kiss Pitch competition before it earned me an agent and even more months of anxiously waiting to hear if the book would be purchased by an editor. Prior to that, I had spent more and more time writing over the years until I decided to fully commit to writing, learning about craft, finding critique partners (which I didn’t even know what they were), and learning more about the industry.

What’s been most vital for my road to publishing has been the friends and mentors I’ve made along the way. I would not be lucky enough to be a published author without the help of friends who have offered me their insights and critiques, and already published authors who kindly offered me their insights and read my very messy drafts.

What’s next for you?

Hopefully I’ll be able to announce the things that are happening behind the scenes soon but in the meantime, the best way to support me and see more books is to shout out about Barely Even Friends, request it from your library, buy your best reading friend a copy, anything and everything helps a debut author. It means so much the people who have already read my book.

Lastly, are there any book releases that you’re looking forward to picking up this year?

Oh gosh, so many:

I’m stopping here but 2024 has so many incredible romance reads

Will you be picking up Barely Even Friends? Tell us in the comments below!


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